This last weekend we celebrated our biggest Thanksgiving Saturday ever, eighteen people! I'm still amazed that we all fit in the house and fit in the house we did! With the rainy weather outside, there was nowhere else to be but in the house and you know where everyone lingered? In the kitchen! We prepared turkey, stuffing, green beans, several kinds of cranberry relish, mashed potatoes, gravy (special recognition goes out to Mike and his team for resurrecting the mess I made of the gravy!), ham and so much more! All together in a small, and very inefficient kitchen we talked and laughed. I believe with all of my heart that love grows best in little spaces...kitchens, houses, beds, you name it, if you are in close quarters and you love each other, it's all good! We all have so much to be thankful for and let us remember to be grateful every day, not just on the third Thursday of November.
Thanksgiving is over and the energy of Christmas is all around us. Lights are going up, radio stations are playing Christmas songs, and toy advertisements are everywhere! I took my fall decorations down last night and it was a little sad, but that's true for me every year! Now I'm looking at boxes of gingerbread houses, pencil Santa's and so many meaningful decorations. Mason is excited to get the lights up and go get a tree. But first it was time for bed and back to school the next day.
So after a hot bath, teeth brushed and jammies on, I was putting Mason to bed - he was crying. He told me he didn't know why he was crying but he just couldn't stop. I tucked him in and was kissing him while explaining that we've all had a very full and busy weekend. I went on to say that sometimes you just need a release, a good cry to decompress. Just as I said that Mason farted. I didn't miss a beat and said, "Sometimes you release pressure through tears from your eyes or a fart from your bottom, you just have to let it out." He laughed...and cried (but laughed a little more) while I turned out his light and closed his door. I heard him softly say, "Good night mama, I love you." So much to be grateful for, everyday I have Mason, I have so much to be grateful for.
Happy Holidays friends, I love you all!