Since the boys didn't ski on Saturday, we took the short drive to see what we could see in Tahoe City - maybe photograph the sun setting over lake Tahoe Except that surrounded by mountains, there really isn't a sunset to see. Laughing!! We end up in a restaurant/bar and I see they have a Key West Margarita, which immediately sounds delish! I can almost taste it until I see it has a $9.00 price tag and interestingly, I clearly remember that a margarita has 650 calories - the Key West one must have way more than a regular one, right? I happily order a regular old, run-of-the-mill shot of Jose Cuervo for a happy (read "mere") 97 calories. I hate it when my husband doesn't get me what I order! Why does he do this? I heard him order the Key West Monster and repeated my order. Nope! He bought me the devil, the million calorie, amazingly delicious Key West Margarita. I drank it and I was right, it tasted as good as I imagined when I first saw the chalk board of specials on the wall, but that's not the point. I hate it when my husband doesn't get me what I order! It must be a man-woman thing, much like how easily I forget that I was frustrated and how next time he will have forgotten how mad it makes me when he doesn't get me what I order. Laughing!
Sunday, skiing-take two!! It felt a little like Groundhog Day, same wonderful night in the mountains, waking up to snowy scenery, a breakfast fit for royalty and for me, looking ahead to homework. I remember thinking, it might be a bear getting home later today, but I'm not thinking about that now, just enjoying the day while I am here. There was no traffic getting home and Dave and Mason had a great day on the slopes. I was really proud that with no television Mason never once complained that he was bored. When we weren't watching movies (we watched 3), he was playing with Legos, making music on the iPad, reading and experimenting with how to make paper airplanes, playing ball with Spencer and playing outside in the snow. I love that he is not dependent on TV to be entertained. Now it is back to reality; work and school. I hope you have an opportunity to get away and enjoy some time away from the distractions of home - as happy as home can be, there are all those things that remind you they need doing. Happy Monday and welcome to February!