I just wrapped filming Ballbuster and we are getting into the thick of lots of days on the lake. There is not much else to talk about but knock wood, Gunner has been healthy and is growing up. I came upon these throw-back pictures of when he was a baby, can you even believe
he was ever this little?
When I look through the years of Monday Motivators, I see a life well lived, it's mostly honest and I say mostly because there are things that I don't write about because they would divulge personal things that are not mine to share. Things that I participate in but are Dave's and or Mason's. Anything that is written here that may be considered sensitive is written with permission.
I was thinking the other day about some things that I have not written about because of the very nature of the subject, sex for example. Dave and I have some really funny intimate stories but I'm not sure the Monday Motivator blog is the platform for them, and I don't want to start another blog. I wonder if I should write those posts and leave them unpublished here, so should I come to an untimely death or even my scheduled death at a ripe old age, they will be written down for Mason to laugh about. He won't be surprised or embarrassed by them, we've talked about every private topic under the sun, you name it, we've discussed it! You would think by now he would have learned that he can't shock me with his 14-year old boy antics. He made some comment the other night under his breath about fellatio, thinking I wouldn't know what he was talking about, I promptly made a hand-mouth gesture that surprised him but he acted like I didn't know what I was doing. I calmly noted that of course, I did, "Penis's come in all sizes, it either looks like this - insert motion of thumb and finger rubbing together - or it looks like this, - insert cupped hands a foot apart with a wide open mouth - " He turned bright red and was laughing so hard trying to get Dave to make me stop. So yeah, he won't be surprised to read anything I write about, although he may blush a little (no, a lot!) knowing it's his mom and dad the stories are about.
Have a happy and safe July 4th holiday everyone!