Only 32 more shopping days until Christmas!
I don't know about all of you, but I am not doing much shopping this year. For a number of reasons, but mostly because I am still not yet adjusted to my new life. I know everyday the routines will come together that will one day make me wonder how I ever did it any other way. For now, I am still learning from the difficulties that I need to find a new way, all the while having to clean up the mess I just made.
I am talking to Dave daily and he sent out an update to his list. If you would like to be on that list, let me know and I will make sure you get added. If he has access to e-mail over seas, he will send a periodic update of front line information, at least from where he and his men are.
Mason is growing like a weed and I have given him the loving nickname Tank. He is just as solid as a rock and certainly great for any of you who do not have much baby experience. You will not feel as if he is fragile or you will break him by any means!
Speaking of Mason, I got the gift of a lifetime this weekend. My dear, dear friend Dahlynn came over and spent a full 24 hours (more actually!) with me and Mason. She played with him, fed him, changed him, and can you believe, moved his bed into the living room and stayed with him through the night! This of course gave me the opportunity to clean my bathrooms, do laundry and actually put the clothes away, cook, run some errands, write several legal letters, and pay my bills (even reconciling Quicken!). THANK YOU, is just not enough but all I have. Apparently, she enjoyed this time and even went as far as to call it a mini vacation! Whoo-Hoo! Any of you who would like to take a mini vacation can call me now, I have openings and am taking sign ups today! Laughing! We wrapped up our time by taking a walk through the Mountain Mandarin Festival in Auburn. We did a little shopping but mostly just really enjoyed our time together.
I have a fussy baby to get back to, the junior Crabby Crab looks just like his father in the morning!
As far as a motivator today, I am feeling strongly about "What You Put Out, You Get Back." With this, I must have put out some really good friendship love because I am feeling so much of it coming back to me. Thank you!
Lots of love!
The Monday Motivator is a way to keep in touch with friends and family, while sending a little motivation to get your week off to a great start! Welcome!
Monday, November 24, 2003
Monday, November 17, 2003
MM 11/17/2003
Welcome to a rainy, Fall Monday.
Of all the things it seems we can be certain of, it is that a new day will dawn. No matter what life brings you, joy, sorrow, hope, sadness, a new day comes and somehow puts a damper on over excitement, and a calm on grief. This morning I woke up (the real time, when it was time to actually get out of bed.... not the 2 AM, 3:55 AM or the 5:30 AM) and felt exhausted from the emotional drain of the weekend, lack of sleep, and the mere sadness of seeing Dave off to war on Saturday. With sore, crying eyes, I still have to smile that Riley wants to play, Inca seems more cuddly than ever, and Mason is happy just to have his most basic needs met. My favorite of those is the cuddles and kisses.
So today is back to real life, paying bills, grocery shopping, trying to put order in the house after being away for 4 days, all the while dealing with animals, the baby and an attempt to get some sleep.
Some good news, Dave will be able to be home for 2 days for Thanksgiving and it looks like he may have some leave over the Christmas Holiday as well. It seems they are not scheduled to ship off to Iraq until sometime in Feb. 04 so with all my might, my intention is strong enough, he will never see Iraqi soil. He will be disqualified for some minor health issue and sent home to us and all the mundane things that make up our life together. I'll keep you posted!
This is the perfect Motivator for me today, I hope you find some value too!
Lots of love
Face the day
Relax. Whatever anxiety you may have about the day ahead, let it go. You will get through this day. There will be joys and there will be difficulties. There will be pleasures and there will be challenges.
Take each moment as it comes. The energy you devote to worry and anxiety will serve no purpose, will bring you no benefits, and will probably make your situation worse. Let go of your worries and free yourself to live. Put your effort and energy where they can make a positive difference.
You can handle whatever comes along. You've made it this far and you'll do it again. Step back from yourself and look objectively at your situation. See yourself living the true adventure of life, with all its ups and downs. Consider how fortunate you are to have such an opportunity.
Today won't be perfect. Yet you have what it takes to make it great. Live it with all you can be.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Of all the things it seems we can be certain of, it is that a new day will dawn. No matter what life brings you, joy, sorrow, hope, sadness, a new day comes and somehow puts a damper on over excitement, and a calm on grief. This morning I woke up (the real time, when it was time to actually get out of bed.... not the 2 AM, 3:55 AM or the 5:30 AM) and felt exhausted from the emotional drain of the weekend, lack of sleep, and the mere sadness of seeing Dave off to war on Saturday. With sore, crying eyes, I still have to smile that Riley wants to play, Inca seems more cuddly than ever, and Mason is happy just to have his most basic needs met. My favorite of those is the cuddles and kisses.
So today is back to real life, paying bills, grocery shopping, trying to put order in the house after being away for 4 days, all the while dealing with animals, the baby and an attempt to get some sleep.
Some good news, Dave will be able to be home for 2 days for Thanksgiving and it looks like he may have some leave over the Christmas Holiday as well. It seems they are not scheduled to ship off to Iraq until sometime in Feb. 04 so with all my might, my intention is strong enough, he will never see Iraqi soil. He will be disqualified for some minor health issue and sent home to us and all the mundane things that make up our life together. I'll keep you posted!
This is the perfect Motivator for me today, I hope you find some value too!
Lots of love
Face the day
Relax. Whatever anxiety you may have about the day ahead, let it go. You will get through this day. There will be joys and there will be difficulties. There will be pleasures and there will be challenges.
Take each moment as it comes. The energy you devote to worry and anxiety will serve no purpose, will bring you no benefits, and will probably make your situation worse. Let go of your worries and free yourself to live. Put your effort and energy where they can make a positive difference.
You can handle whatever comes along. You've made it this far and you'll do it again. Step back from yourself and look objectively at your situation. See yourself living the true adventure of life, with all its ups and downs. Consider how fortunate you are to have such an opportunity.
Today won't be perfect. Yet you have what it takes to make it great. Live it with all you can be.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Monday, November 10, 2003
MM 11/10/2003
Hi Guys!
It is Sunday night but if I don't do this now, it won't happen tomorrow. I have another appt with Kaiser regarding this burn on my back and the possibility of having it biopsied to determine if it was in fact a thermal burn, or it could have been a chemical burn from the tape. Who knows! All I know is I have an appt., an actual time I HAVE to be somewhere and it being on a Monday morning, it will be a great feat for me to be on time.
This weekend has been quite the emotional event. For those of you who do not know, we got the call on Tuesday that Dave is in fact being deployed. He will be leaving on Saturday the 15th, spend several months here in the states being trained, and then at least 12 months in Iraq. There is so much to do to make sure our affairs are in order that all the crying I have been doing is not helping. As odd as it seems, it is kind of like being told you have 6 months to live...I don't mean to be morbid, it is just that you try to do all these things, take pictures, fix things, call people you don't usually talk to, look into insurance and beneficiary information, you can see what I am talking about. Just so you know, I am not afraid of Dave being killed and not coming home. In reality, it is as likely that he perish in an auto accident on his way home from work. I just know that I am going to miss him like I have never known missing.
We went to dinner tonight to celebrate our anniversary. We arrived early at the Rainbow Lodge in Soda Springs and took our family picture in the snow. It was lightly snowing and we set up the tripod with the river in the background. Hopefully one will turn out and be worthy of the Christmas Card. Dinner was outstanding and there were lots of enjoyable conversations surrounding the newest addition to our family. Mason has so far been a joy to travel with and
no problem at all out to dinner. So with the trip to Utah under our belt and several gatherings planned for the next week, we are preparing for a whole new adventure in our life. I'll keep you posted!
Lots of love,
Dealing with uncertainty
Courage is not the absence of fear. Those with the most courage also know the greatest fear. Courage is the determination to act in the face of fear, the ability to learn from fear, to be energized by fear, and to use that knowledge and that energy to move successfully through the fear.
Action does not assure success, and yet directed, focused action is the only way to achieve success. We live and grow and prosper and find fulfillment because of the risks we have taken, because of the challenges we have accepted, because of the fears we have transcended.
Life is a process of successfully dealing with uncertainty. Our bodies are designed for it, our minds are made for it, and our spirits are energized by the challenges of moving positively ahead, whatever the risks may be.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
It is Sunday night but if I don't do this now, it won't happen tomorrow. I have another appt with Kaiser regarding this burn on my back and the possibility of having it biopsied to determine if it was in fact a thermal burn, or it could have been a chemical burn from the tape. Who knows! All I know is I have an appt., an actual time I HAVE to be somewhere and it being on a Monday morning, it will be a great feat for me to be on time.
This weekend has been quite the emotional event. For those of you who do not know, we got the call on Tuesday that Dave is in fact being deployed. He will be leaving on Saturday the 15th, spend several months here in the states being trained, and then at least 12 months in Iraq. There is so much to do to make sure our affairs are in order that all the crying I have been doing is not helping. As odd as it seems, it is kind of like being told you have 6 months to live...I don't mean to be morbid, it is just that you try to do all these things, take pictures, fix things, call people you don't usually talk to, look into insurance and beneficiary information, you can see what I am talking about. Just so you know, I am not afraid of Dave being killed and not coming home. In reality, it is as likely that he perish in an auto accident on his way home from work. I just know that I am going to miss him like I have never known missing.
We went to dinner tonight to celebrate our anniversary. We arrived early at the Rainbow Lodge in Soda Springs and took our family picture in the snow. It was lightly snowing and we set up the tripod with the river in the background. Hopefully one will turn out and be worthy of the Christmas Card. Dinner was outstanding and there were lots of enjoyable conversations surrounding the newest addition to our family. Mason has so far been a joy to travel with and
no problem at all out to dinner. So with the trip to Utah under our belt and several gatherings planned for the next week, we are preparing for a whole new adventure in our life. I'll keep you posted!
Lots of love,
Dealing with uncertainty
Courage is not the absence of fear. Those with the most courage also know the greatest fear. Courage is the determination to act in the face of fear, the ability to learn from fear, to be energized by fear, and to use that knowledge and that energy to move successfully through the fear.
Action does not assure success, and yet directed, focused action is the only way to achieve success. We live and grow and prosper and find fulfillment because of the risks we have taken, because of the challenges we have accepted, because of the fears we have transcended.
Life is a process of successfully dealing with uncertainty. Our bodies are designed for it, our minds are made for it, and our spirits are energized by the challenges of moving positively ahead, whatever the risks may be.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Monday, October 27, 2003
MM 10/27/2003
Good morning!
I'm back and slowly getting back to feeling like me. I am not sure who I felt like the last week, but I like the everyday me better.
There is so much to say and talk about, that I cannot possibly cover it all and keep you interested, so let me just cover what I think is important. Mason is doing great and Dave has officially been nominated for the Husband/Daddy of all time award. If this last week is any indication of the kind of man Dave is going to be for me and our family in the years to come, I
have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Cooking, cleaning house (shampooing carpets, washing floors, laundry), yard work, shopping, errands, writing the Monday Motivator in my absence, middle of the night feedings, diaper changing, dressing changes to my back, making Riley feel like he is still #1, the list just goes on and on.
We are really lucky, Mason is such a good baby. He wakes twice through the night with just little
whimpers of a cry to be fed and changed and goes right back to sleep. He stayed up for almost 6 hours yesterday during the day which was really nice. Aunt Mary and Uncle Keith came over and Grandma Partak has been here since Friday. So, all in all, things are very good. Now I just need to recover from giving birth, a C-section and this major burn on my back!
Thank God he is a good baby, with all this other nonsense, I don't know if I would make it! Laughing!
I have read all the e-mails and just not been up to taking the time to reply to each of you. Thank you for your warm thoughts and wishes, it makes all the difference in the world knowing we have such a strong support system in our family and friends!
I hope all is well with you and even though my replies are not so good, I love to hear from you! This Motivator is so fitting. I hope you can find the magic in your life today! We call ours Mason.
Lots of love!
Magic in every moment
Electrons dance in front of your eyes and you call it color. Waves of air sweep over you and you call it music. The massive sphere on which you dwell rotates a few degrees and you call it sunset. There is magic in every moment. Behind even the most mundane occurrence is an entire universe of abundant wonder.
If you could sense every detail of something as simple as the falling of a raindrop, it would completely overwhelm you. And yet raindrops fall all the time.
In every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, there is a whole universe of power.
In every moment there are infinite ways in which to make a very real difference. You are always streaming full speed through an abundance of options & possibilities.
See the possibilities. Feel the power. Make your own special magic today.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
I'm back and slowly getting back to feeling like me. I am not sure who I felt like the last week, but I like the everyday me better.
There is so much to say and talk about, that I cannot possibly cover it all and keep you interested, so let me just cover what I think is important. Mason is doing great and Dave has officially been nominated for the Husband/Daddy of all time award. If this last week is any indication of the kind of man Dave is going to be for me and our family in the years to come, I
have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Cooking, cleaning house (shampooing carpets, washing floors, laundry), yard work, shopping, errands, writing the Monday Motivator in my absence, middle of the night feedings, diaper changing, dressing changes to my back, making Riley feel like he is still #1, the list just goes on and on.
We are really lucky, Mason is such a good baby. He wakes twice through the night with just little
whimpers of a cry to be fed and changed and goes right back to sleep. He stayed up for almost 6 hours yesterday during the day which was really nice. Aunt Mary and Uncle Keith came over and Grandma Partak has been here since Friday. So, all in all, things are very good. Now I just need to recover from giving birth, a C-section and this major burn on my back!
Thank God he is a good baby, with all this other nonsense, I don't know if I would make it! Laughing!
I have read all the e-mails and just not been up to taking the time to reply to each of you. Thank you for your warm thoughts and wishes, it makes all the difference in the world knowing we have such a strong support system in our family and friends!
I hope all is well with you and even though my replies are not so good, I love to hear from you! This Motivator is so fitting. I hope you can find the magic in your life today! We call ours Mason.
Lots of love!
Magic in every moment
Electrons dance in front of your eyes and you call it color. Waves of air sweep over you and you call it music. The massive sphere on which you dwell rotates a few degrees and you call it sunset. There is magic in every moment. Behind even the most mundane occurrence is an entire universe of abundant wonder.
If you could sense every detail of something as simple as the falling of a raindrop, it would completely overwhelm you. And yet raindrops fall all the time.
In every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, there is a whole universe of power.
In every moment there are infinite ways in which to make a very real difference. You are always streaming full speed through an abundance of options & possibilities.
See the possibilities. Feel the power. Make your own special magic today.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Thursday, October 23, 2003
10/23/2003 Update

Here is an update. I came back yesterday afternoon after a record setting time at SRP at Camp Roberts. (I don't know the actual meaning of SRP, but it involves getting ready for deployment).
Mason is doing fine. Kathy not as well considering her back burn (see picture). As well as changing diapers, I have to change the dressings on her back. They think that somehow the burn was an electrical burn conducted through the tape and sweat, and a bad ground with the cauterizing device they use in surgery.
Mason and Kathy got released today and are now home. We are introducing the dog and cat to Mason and all seems to be going well. The only bad news is that this time my deployment looks fairly certain. It could happen in the next couple of weeks or maybe later. I am looking at a few months in the States training up, and then deployment to the "Sand Box" (Iraq). This could last up to 18 months. If this does come to fruition, Kathy is going to need all your combined help you can give her. Feel free to call us at home, Kathy says you can call ANYTIME! she probably will be up! I don't plan on being up though. Take care and we would love to hear from you.
Dave, Kathy and Mace
Monday, October 20, 2003
MM 10/20/2003

Well we got OUR Monday Motivator today!
Born at 0231, Monday, the 20th of October.
8 lbs. 5 oz. 21 1/4" Blue eyes, dirty blond hair,
and all fingers and toes.
The story.
We had a real rough week. I was scheduled to go to Las Vegas for a supervisors training course with the TSA until I received a call from National Guard ordering me to duty for a period of five days, 21st through the 25th. As it was, I had my regular National Guard drill this weekend. Kathy and I left on Thursday and I dropped her off at her friend Mary's in Concord and I went on to National Guard. I drilled Friday and Saturday, and came back to pick her up Saturday
While I was at drill they moved our time that I needed to report up to Monday. So now I have to go to Concord, pick up Kathy, go home to Auburn, and Sunday turn around and go back to National Guard. All of this National Guard stuff mind you, is with the possibility of getting marching orders to go to Iraq for up to 18 months! Needless to say, my stress levels were pretty high.
Born at 0231, Monday, the 20th of October.
8 lbs. 5 oz. 21 1/4" Blue eyes, dirty blond hair,
and all fingers and toes.
The story.
We had a real rough week. I was scheduled to go to Las Vegas for a supervisors training course with the TSA until I received a call from National Guard ordering me to duty for a period of five days, 21st through the 25th. As it was, I had my regular National Guard drill this weekend. Kathy and I left on Thursday and I dropped her off at her friend Mary's in Concord and I went on to National Guard. I drilled Friday and Saturday, and came back to pick her up Saturday
While I was at drill they moved our time that I needed to report up to Monday. So now I have to go to Concord, pick up Kathy, go home to Auburn, and Sunday turn around and go back to National Guard. All of this National Guard stuff mind you, is with the possibility of getting marching orders to go to Iraq for up to 18 months! Needless to say, my stress levels were pretty high.
Well anyway, I meet Kathy, Mary, and Keith for dinner, and just before we start to order dinner (I haven't eaten a thing all day and it's 6:30pm) she tells me she lost her mucus plug! For those not in the know, that's what keeps everything away from the amniotic sack. Well I'm freaking out 'cause I need to be at National Guard on Monday and could possibly be thrown in jail for failure to report. To ease my mind and try to get some kind of time line we stopped at Kaiser on our way home. The doctor checked her out and said it could be in a couple of days or a couple of weeks still. We go home and got to bed. I Wake up to "my waters broke." It hadn't fully broken, it was clearly leaking though.
Well, we leisurely get ourselves together, make a stop at Babies R Us, and Tower Records and then head back to Kaiser at 12:30pm. Kathy gets checked out and they give her the admission ticket. So we set ourselves up in our room and wait. Around 7:30pm I pull out the camcorder and start filming Julie, Kathy's best friend from grade school, who was with us. As I'm filming Kathy says "I need a little help here" so I swing the camera over to her and catch her losing the rest of her water (which was most of it) on tape. Well after this, the contractions started coming on hot and heavy. She finally couldn't take the pain anymore and around 9:30pm or so got the epidural. She felt better after that but around 11:30 it started wearing off and she felt she needed to push. At this time she is fully dilated.
Well through struggling through pushing and the epidural that was stubborn she made it till 2:00am. She was a real trooper and only said F*@# four times (me and Julie were counting). By 2am she had all the strength knocked out of her and they decided to do a C-section. So off she goes to get gutted like a fish. I get in some scrubs and at 2:31 they announce Mason's birth.
Both baby and mother are fine. Kathy has a burn on her back resulting from the tape holding her epidural in place, she's got sutures in her belly and a sore neck. She was pretty looped up on drugs after the surgery but they have worn off. I left around 4:30 to get some sleep. So now it's off to National Guard for me. I made some phone calls and what would have been a five day ordeal they are going to try and get done in a day. I should be back Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon at the latest. Kathy should be released sometime Wednesday.
For those of you that would like to call, her number is 916-973-7241. I don't think she wants a parade of visitors, so you can ask her if you can come see her if you are so inclined. She is at the Kaiser facility on Morse and Cottage in Sacramento.
I don't have any great motivational words for you this Monday so I will leave you with this observation I made last night: Baby's should not be shaken, they should be stirred.
Well through struggling through pushing and the epidural that was stubborn she made it till 2:00am. She was a real trooper and only said F*@# four times (me and Julie were counting). By 2am she had all the strength knocked out of her and they decided to do a C-section. So off she goes to get gutted like a fish. I get in some scrubs and at 2:31 they announce Mason's birth.
Both baby and mother are fine. Kathy has a burn on her back resulting from the tape holding her epidural in place, she's got sutures in her belly and a sore neck. She was pretty looped up on drugs after the surgery but they have worn off. I left around 4:30 to get some sleep. So now it's off to National Guard for me. I made some phone calls and what would have been a five day ordeal they are going to try and get done in a day. I should be back Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon at the latest. Kathy should be released sometime Wednesday.
For those of you that would like to call, her number is 916-973-7241. I don't think she wants a parade of visitors, so you can ask her if you can come see her if you are so inclined. She is at the Kaiser facility on Morse and Cottage in Sacramento.
I don't have any great motivational words for you this Monday so I will leave you with this observation I made last night: Baby's should not be shaken, they should be stirred.
Monday, October 13, 2003
MM 10/13/2003
Welcome to Fall!
It is finally here and if you haven't noticed, I am practicing being late. This is so when Mason gets here and I am in the "adjustment phase" (which I understand will last for the rest of my life), I won't be so hard on myself when I am late (which I also understand is a given when you have kids for about, oh, 18-21 years).
This weekend was jam packed! Friday night Dave and I got off to a rolling start at Giovanni's in Colfax for Karaoke, stale, but highly entertaining! Saturday was a really wonderful and overdue afternoon visit with Julie and Lauren & her family in Winters. From there we made the trek to Rio Vista to the Bass Festival. We met a group of our friends and enjoyed lots of good live music, food, and fireworks not getting home until well after midnight. Then yesterday, I made a very
spontaneous trip with Julie to Reno to see Steve Vai and Joe Satriani in concert. This of course put me home at, oh, about 3:30 this morning which is why this e-mail is so late coming. Mason got quite the exposure to musical culture this weekend, and if I had to say what pleased him the most, it was clearly Steve Vai. Not bad!
So here we are, Columbus Day and this is the motivator that is hitting home for me today. I hope you find some value in it and make this week one to remember. Oh, and before I forget, if you have a great, simple dinner recipe that I can make and stick in the freezer, feel free to pass it on. I am needing to stock up a bit and feeling like I am in a dinner time rut. Thanks and have a great week!
Lots of love,
Everything you do is intentional. The actions you take, you take because you choose to do so. The stimulus can come from anywhere, but the response comes from you. Every action, every moment, determines the direction of your life.
You have made the choices, and taken the actions that have led you to this point. More importantly, you will make the choices and take the actions that determine your future.
You can learn from the past, but the past does not control you. Just because you have used poor judgment in the past, doesn't mean you have to continue doing so. You can change your life the moment you decide to change.
You are more than your past. You are more than your mistakes. Your life is whatever you decide to make it.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
It is finally here and if you haven't noticed, I am practicing being late. This is so when Mason gets here and I am in the "adjustment phase" (which I understand will last for the rest of my life), I won't be so hard on myself when I am late (which I also understand is a given when you have kids for about, oh, 18-21 years).
This weekend was jam packed! Friday night Dave and I got off to a rolling start at Giovanni's in Colfax for Karaoke, stale, but highly entertaining! Saturday was a really wonderful and overdue afternoon visit with Julie and Lauren & her family in Winters. From there we made the trek to Rio Vista to the Bass Festival. We met a group of our friends and enjoyed lots of good live music, food, and fireworks not getting home until well after midnight. Then yesterday, I made a very
spontaneous trip with Julie to Reno to see Steve Vai and Joe Satriani in concert. This of course put me home at, oh, about 3:30 this morning which is why this e-mail is so late coming. Mason got quite the exposure to musical culture this weekend, and if I had to say what pleased him the most, it was clearly Steve Vai. Not bad!
So here we are, Columbus Day and this is the motivator that is hitting home for me today. I hope you find some value in it and make this week one to remember. Oh, and before I forget, if you have a great, simple dinner recipe that I can make and stick in the freezer, feel free to pass it on. I am needing to stock up a bit and feeling like I am in a dinner time rut. Thanks and have a great week!
Lots of love,
Everything you do is intentional. The actions you take, you take because you choose to do so. The stimulus can come from anywhere, but the response comes from you. Every action, every moment, determines the direction of your life.
You have made the choices, and taken the actions that have led you to this point. More importantly, you will make the choices and take the actions that determine your future.
You can learn from the past, but the past does not control you. Just because you have used poor judgment in the past, doesn't mean you have to continue doing so. You can change your life the moment you decide to change.
You are more than your past. You are more than your mistakes. Your life is whatever you decide to make it.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Monday, September 29, 2003
MM 9/29/2003
Good Afternoon!
Better late than never so many people believe! At least is it not Tuesday yet!
I think the real nesting has begun. last night I was up til all hours washing baby clothes and blankets, packing a bag, cooking, scrap booking and framing pictures of all things! Why can't I be normal and clean the bathroom or wax the floors? Something that really needs to be done! Laughing! OK, I am publicly predicting that I think Mason is coming early. No official evidence yet, just a feeling. There, I said it!
We had a great weekend. It was one of those weekends where you have no agenda, you just do what you want to. I saw a movie, Dave worked around the house, we enjoyed some time walking around the Auburn Home Show, watched a couple of videos, had an opportunity to visit with my brother who was passing through town and just enjoyed each other at home. I hope you had a good weekend too!
This Motivator was hand picked especially for you....and you know who you are! Hang in there and remember, Chicken Soup, it really works! Smile!
Lots of love!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? There's so much that needs to be done, so many things pulling you down.
It can be discouraging and frustrating when you're being slowed down by things that are beyond your control. How do you cope?
The secret is -- do what you can. You're not responsible for the things over which you have no control. Don't let them get you down.
Instead, work to make improvements in your own life. Take control of the things that are your responsibility. Wisely use the resources you have, and don't waste your energy worrying about what you cannot change.
Everyone has challenges. Life itself is one big challenge. There are some things that we just can't change, that we must simply accept.
Your acceptance will free up tremendous energy to tackle those things that you can change.
Make a difference where you can, and don't sweat the rest.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator with permission
Better late than never so many people believe! At least is it not Tuesday yet!
I think the real nesting has begun. last night I was up til all hours washing baby clothes and blankets, packing a bag, cooking, scrap booking and framing pictures of all things! Why can't I be normal and clean the bathroom or wax the floors? Something that really needs to be done! Laughing! OK, I am publicly predicting that I think Mason is coming early. No official evidence yet, just a feeling. There, I said it!
We had a great weekend. It was one of those weekends where you have no agenda, you just do what you want to. I saw a movie, Dave worked around the house, we enjoyed some time walking around the Auburn Home Show, watched a couple of videos, had an opportunity to visit with my brother who was passing through town and just enjoyed each other at home. I hope you had a good weekend too!
This Motivator was hand picked especially for you....and you know who you are! Hang in there and remember, Chicken Soup, it really works! Smile!
Lots of love!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? There's so much that needs to be done, so many things pulling you down.
It can be discouraging and frustrating when you're being slowed down by things that are beyond your control. How do you cope?
The secret is -- do what you can. You're not responsible for the things over which you have no control. Don't let them get you down.
Instead, work to make improvements in your own life. Take control of the things that are your responsibility. Wisely use the resources you have, and don't waste your energy worrying about what you cannot change.
Everyone has challenges. Life itself is one big challenge. There are some things that we just can't change, that we must simply accept.
Your acceptance will free up tremendous energy to tackle those things that you can change.
Make a difference where you can, and don't sweat the rest.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator with permission
Monday, September 22, 2003
MM 9/22/2003
Good morning that is almost good afternoon!
I am late today because I am just plum pooped! What a phenomenal weekend we had! Friday we had dinner in San Jose with Dave's mom and niece Kayla. Saturday I spent the whole day with my dear friend Lisa. We got a pedicure, had a nice breakfast out, shopped, went to
Starbucks for a sinful coffee milkshake (who cares what it is really called, that is what it is!), took
the dogs to a park overlooking one of Alameda's beautiful harbors just to sit and visit under a tree, and then wrapped up the evening with our guys by taking a sunset motor tour of the bay on David and Lisa's sail boat and a lovely BBQ dinner on the deck.
Sunday of course was Baby Shower day and what a day it was! We have such wonderful friends, how it is that we ever find anything to snivel about, I just don't know! I want to go on and on about the cake Lisa had designed and created for this party, but I am sure many of you have no interest. If you want to hear all about it, e-mail me back and I will lavish all the praise on
it I can! It surely only played second fiddle to my blossoming belly! So Big, Big thank yous to Lisa & David and Mary & Keith for all of their hard work with this lovely day and to all of you who chipped in and helped too! The love and gifts are just too many to name here. Smiling!
With so much love!
P.S. Rumor has it that I am going to be too distracted and tired to write a Monday Motivator after Mason is born. I believe I heard my husband, who is lovingly known as "Crabby" some days "The King Crab", offer to step up and write the Monday Motivator....this could be really interesting!! Stay Tuned! Laughing!!
Be Happy
If it has ever been possible for you to be happy, then it is possible right now. If it ever will be possible for you to be happy, then it is possible right now.
Be happy with the person you are right now. No, you're not everything you would like to be. Yet, you have every opportunity to become the person you want to be. Would you really want to miss out on the adventure of fulfilling your possibilities? Of course not! Be happy that you still have more to accomplish, because it is in accomplishment that you experience the richness of living.
Are you not completely sure which way you want your life to go? Then be happy that you are so open to possibilities. And find joy in exploring them. Are you burdened with problems and responsibilities? Then be happy that you have so many opportunities to make a
difference, and to grow stronger by overcoming the obstacles.
No circumstance can stop you from being happy. No person can prevent your happiness, except you. Be happy right now because you can be, and because you have every reason to be.
Ralph Marston
I am late today because I am just plum pooped! What a phenomenal weekend we had! Friday we had dinner in San Jose with Dave's mom and niece Kayla. Saturday I spent the whole day with my dear friend Lisa. We got a pedicure, had a nice breakfast out, shopped, went to
Starbucks for a sinful coffee milkshake (who cares what it is really called, that is what it is!), took
the dogs to a park overlooking one of Alameda's beautiful harbors just to sit and visit under a tree, and then wrapped up the evening with our guys by taking a sunset motor tour of the bay on David and Lisa's sail boat and a lovely BBQ dinner on the deck.
Sunday of course was Baby Shower day and what a day it was! We have such wonderful friends, how it is that we ever find anything to snivel about, I just don't know! I want to go on and on about the cake Lisa had designed and created for this party, but I am sure many of you have no interest. If you want to hear all about it, e-mail me back and I will lavish all the praise on
it I can! It surely only played second fiddle to my blossoming belly! So Big, Big thank yous to Lisa & David and Mary & Keith for all of their hard work with this lovely day and to all of you who chipped in and helped too! The love and gifts are just too many to name here. Smiling!
With so much love!
P.S. Rumor has it that I am going to be too distracted and tired to write a Monday Motivator after Mason is born. I believe I heard my husband, who is lovingly known as "Crabby" some days "The King Crab", offer to step up and write the Monday Motivator....this could be really interesting!! Stay Tuned! Laughing!!
Be Happy
If it has ever been possible for you to be happy, then it is possible right now. If it ever will be possible for you to be happy, then it is possible right now.
Be happy with the person you are right now. No, you're not everything you would like to be. Yet, you have every opportunity to become the person you want to be. Would you really want to miss out on the adventure of fulfilling your possibilities? Of course not! Be happy that you still have more to accomplish, because it is in accomplishment that you experience the richness of living.
Are you not completely sure which way you want your life to go? Then be happy that you are so open to possibilities. And find joy in exploring them. Are you burdened with problems and responsibilities? Then be happy that you have so many opportunities to make a
difference, and to grow stronger by overcoming the obstacles.
No circumstance can stop you from being happy. No person can prevent your happiness, except you. Be happy right now because you can be, and because you have every reason to be.
Ralph Marston
Monday, September 15, 2003
MM 9/15/2003
Is it just me or does it seem like we were just here? Monday.
The weeks seem to crawl by while the weekends seem like the blink of an eye. This weekend was jam packed with fun, friends and we even got some serious work done at home. This was one of those weekends where you have to write on your calendar "Do not plan anything. You already have plans to stay home".
On Friday night we went to the State Fair. WOW, they have really done a nice job of making this a great event. We were only there for the evening so there is lots we did not get to see or do. I am hoping we can make it back even if it for just an evening after work and see some of the stuff we missed, in addition to the "fair food." Dave, (okay, we) did not have room to eat everything.
You can't cover all the varieties of delicacies the fair has to offer in one evening. You either have to be there all day, or go back for another round! Sausage sandwich-check. Corn Dog-check, Lemonade from the ladies in the funny hats-check. $6.00 beer-check. $6.00 beer again-check. Ice cream cone-check. Merlino's Orange Freeze-check. Funnel Cake with whipped cream and Strawberries-check. We still didn't get to Kettle Corn, deep fried twinkies & candy bars (I just have to know!), roasted corn on the cob, cotton candy, tacos, frozen banana, tri-tip sandwich.....and the list goes on and on....Laughing!!
Saturday was about going through the remaining boxes in the garage so now, needless to say, the house looks like we just moved in again. EESH! We continued to try to put order in and finally landed on the couch having dinner and watching "Basic" with John Travolta. Good movie. I love a movie with a twist! Sunday was the Fundraiser at the winery I had mentioned to you and it was really fun. Mike, Julie, and I had a nice time visiting and running up the bids on the auction items all in the name of charity!
So, the big news for the week is that while at the fair Friday night, Dave and I named our baby. It was quite anticlimactic actually. Dave said (like so many times before), "What do you think of....?" and I said (like never before) "I kinda like that". We both smiled and that was it. Want to know what we decided? E-mail me back and I will tell you!
I hope you like this Motivator, I do and it is really good for me today. Since it is up to me, I am going to get to it! I hope you have a productive week and I hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of love!
P.S. There are a couple of new people on the list today. Just so you know, this is a little something that I send out each Monday. It is an update of what is new with us and a little positive reinforcement to get you off on the right foot. It is easy to get sucked into the world of nay-sayers and those who can never seem to see the bright side. You are in better company than you think....there are lots of us out there who know exactly how to utilize the lemons life brings us! I like mine with sugar! Welcome!
Up to you
One way or another, you will get something accomplished today. Exactly what you get accomplished is up to you.
The hours of this day will go by, no matter what you do. What you get from them is up to you.
The world is filled with challenges, frustrations, joys and opportunities. What you make of them is up to you. Some of the people around you will praise you and encourage you, others will curse you and oppose you, still others will ignore you. Yet the way you respond is completely up to you.
You can hide away from life or you can dive into its glorious richness. Some people will help you, others will hurt you, yet no one can live your own unique life for you. The way you experience this priceless gift of life is now and always up to you.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
The weeks seem to crawl by while the weekends seem like the blink of an eye. This weekend was jam packed with fun, friends and we even got some serious work done at home. This was one of those weekends where you have to write on your calendar "Do not plan anything. You already have plans to stay home".
On Friday night we went to the State Fair. WOW, they have really done a nice job of making this a great event. We were only there for the evening so there is lots we did not get to see or do. I am hoping we can make it back even if it for just an evening after work and see some of the stuff we missed, in addition to the "fair food." Dave, (okay, we) did not have room to eat everything.
You can't cover all the varieties of delicacies the fair has to offer in one evening. You either have to be there all day, or go back for another round! Sausage sandwich-check. Corn Dog-check, Lemonade from the ladies in the funny hats-check. $6.00 beer-check. $6.00 beer again-check. Ice cream cone-check. Merlino's Orange Freeze-check. Funnel Cake with whipped cream and Strawberries-check. We still didn't get to Kettle Corn, deep fried twinkies & candy bars (I just have to know!), roasted corn on the cob, cotton candy, tacos, frozen banana, tri-tip sandwich.....and the list goes on and on....Laughing!!
Saturday was about going through the remaining boxes in the garage so now, needless to say, the house looks like we just moved in again. EESH! We continued to try to put order in and finally landed on the couch having dinner and watching "Basic" with John Travolta. Good movie. I love a movie with a twist! Sunday was the Fundraiser at the winery I had mentioned to you and it was really fun. Mike, Julie, and I had a nice time visiting and running up the bids on the auction items all in the name of charity!
So, the big news for the week is that while at the fair Friday night, Dave and I named our baby. It was quite anticlimactic actually. Dave said (like so many times before), "What do you think of....?" and I said (like never before) "I kinda like that". We both smiled and that was it. Want to know what we decided? E-mail me back and I will tell you!
I hope you like this Motivator, I do and it is really good for me today. Since it is up to me, I am going to get to it! I hope you have a productive week and I hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of love!
P.S. There are a couple of new people on the list today. Just so you know, this is a little something that I send out each Monday. It is an update of what is new with us and a little positive reinforcement to get you off on the right foot. It is easy to get sucked into the world of nay-sayers and those who can never seem to see the bright side. You are in better company than you think....there are lots of us out there who know exactly how to utilize the lemons life brings us! I like mine with sugar! Welcome!
Up to you
One way or another, you will get something accomplished today. Exactly what you get accomplished is up to you.
The hours of this day will go by, no matter what you do. What you get from them is up to you.
The world is filled with challenges, frustrations, joys and opportunities. What you make of them is up to you. Some of the people around you will praise you and encourage you, others will curse you and oppose you, still others will ignore you. Yet the way you respond is completely up to you.
You can hide away from life or you can dive into its glorious richness. Some people will help you, others will hurt you, yet no one can live your own unique life for you. The way you experience this priceless gift of life is now and always up to you.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Monday, September 8, 2003
MM 9/8/2003
Good Morning!
Here we are again.....Monday, Monday, Monday! If you haven't noticed, I am writing to you from my Yahoo address which in this case means I am at home....yep, I had a feeling and here I am, at home, on my tushie with my feet up for a week. Nothing too serious, just some slightly elevated blood pressure and swelling. It is not all bad, but I really wanted to work through
October. Maybe I still can, I see the doc again on Thursday so we will see where I am come next Monday.
So on Saturday, Dave and I attended a Childbirth Preparedness class. Do they really think it is
possible to prepare two people for giving birth and bringing home a newborn baby? Laughing! If they continually tell you "Every experience is different," how can they really prepare you for the unknown? Or the "this might happen to you"? I have to say, some of the facts were enlightening and it was surely a good exercise for the two of us. The good news is, the
videos are not the yelling, screaming in pain movies that they used to be.....still graphic, but not so bad.
This motivator is just too perfect for me today and for the next few months. I hope you find some value in it somewhere in your today as well. Lots of love and drop me a call if you want, I'm home, sitting & Elevating! Laughing!
Love Kath
P.S. For those of you who are new to the list, this is just a little jump start for the new week. It is a cool way to keep in touch and hopefully gives you something as well. If you want to be removed from the list, just let me know!
At Peace
Let yourself know the beauty of being completely at peace in this very moment. Calm your thoughts, quiet your mind, and breathe in the serenity that is now.
All is well and all is as it should be. Relax, and know the peaceful stillness as it fills you to the
core. In the quiet serenity of now, there is no need to prove anything. Worry and strife are nothing more than distant illusions.
With every slow and peaceful breath you take, something becomes abundantly clear. You know without a doubt that there is a real and valuable goodness that comes with every moment, every circumstance, every experience.
In this moment, be at peace. Experience the calm, confident, positive power. Let yourself be at peace. And you will truly know how to make much more of it.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permissiom
Here we are again.....Monday, Monday, Monday! If you haven't noticed, I am writing to you from my Yahoo address which in this case means I am at home....yep, I had a feeling and here I am, at home, on my tushie with my feet up for a week. Nothing too serious, just some slightly elevated blood pressure and swelling. It is not all bad, but I really wanted to work through
October. Maybe I still can, I see the doc again on Thursday so we will see where I am come next Monday.
So on Saturday, Dave and I attended a Childbirth Preparedness class. Do they really think it is
possible to prepare two people for giving birth and bringing home a newborn baby? Laughing! If they continually tell you "Every experience is different," how can they really prepare you for the unknown? Or the "this might happen to you"? I have to say, some of the facts were enlightening and it was surely a good exercise for the two of us. The good news is, the
videos are not the yelling, screaming in pain movies that they used to be.....still graphic, but not so bad.
This motivator is just too perfect for me today and for the next few months. I hope you find some value in it somewhere in your today as well. Lots of love and drop me a call if you want, I'm home, sitting & Elevating! Laughing!
Love Kath
P.S. For those of you who are new to the list, this is just a little jump start for the new week. It is a cool way to keep in touch and hopefully gives you something as well. If you want to be removed from the list, just let me know!
At Peace
Let yourself know the beauty of being completely at peace in this very moment. Calm your thoughts, quiet your mind, and breathe in the serenity that is now.
All is well and all is as it should be. Relax, and know the peaceful stillness as it fills you to the
core. In the quiet serenity of now, there is no need to prove anything. Worry and strife are nothing more than distant illusions.
With every slow and peaceful breath you take, something becomes abundantly clear. You know without a doubt that there is a real and valuable goodness that comes with every moment, every circumstance, every experience.
In this moment, be at peace. Experience the calm, confident, positive power. Let yourself be at peace. And you will truly know how to make much more of it.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permissiom
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
MM 9/2/2003
Well hello, hello, hello!
Not only am I late today, but it is no longer even Monday! What a weekend.
Everything got off on the right foot when I got to leave work early on Friday to go have a pedicure, and get home before holiday traffic got bad. This is not only a luxury, but seeing how I can't reach my feet, it is becoming a necessity! I stayed home, relaxing and working on my
scrap books until Sunday afternoon when I went to see Julie in Lodi. We had a BBQ with friends that climaxed with a big bon fire. I got home early on Monday thinking it was just another day at home with the kids (Riley and Inca), and who surprises me? Flower Dave! He came home early from his annual convention in the South Bay and we got to spend the afternoon and evening together. I just can't tell you how some time with my hubby was just what the
doctor ordered!
I like this motivator. I hope it brings something to you, too. Have a great (short) week and feel free to drop me a line back, I would love to know what you did this holiday weekend!
Lots of love!
Be the one
If it seems that the world needs a little more kindness, be the one to put it there. If you see something that needs to be done, be the one to do it.
When you come across a problem, be the one to work out a solution, and to turn that problem into an opportunity. When the time is ripe for a fresh perspective, be the one to offer your opinion.
If no one is sure of what to do or say, be the one to offer a genuine smile and a kind word of reassurance. When there is something that must be said, be the one to speak up and get it out in the open.
If everyone waits for someone else to make the first move, nothing ever gets done. Be the one to step forward and get all those around you moving in a positive direction. The world needs those who are willing to get things going. And life richly rewards those who do it.
Take the initiative and be a leader. Someone has to do it, and you can be the one.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Not only am I late today, but it is no longer even Monday! What a weekend.
Everything got off on the right foot when I got to leave work early on Friday to go have a pedicure, and get home before holiday traffic got bad. This is not only a luxury, but seeing how I can't reach my feet, it is becoming a necessity! I stayed home, relaxing and working on my
scrap books until Sunday afternoon when I went to see Julie in Lodi. We had a BBQ with friends that climaxed with a big bon fire. I got home early on Monday thinking it was just another day at home with the kids (Riley and Inca), and who surprises me? Flower Dave! He came home early from his annual convention in the South Bay and we got to spend the afternoon and evening together. I just can't tell you how some time with my hubby was just what the
doctor ordered!
I like this motivator. I hope it brings something to you, too. Have a great (short) week and feel free to drop me a line back, I would love to know what you did this holiday weekend!
Lots of love!
Be the one
If it seems that the world needs a little more kindness, be the one to put it there. If you see something that needs to be done, be the one to do it.
When you come across a problem, be the one to work out a solution, and to turn that problem into an opportunity. When the time is ripe for a fresh perspective, be the one to offer your opinion.
If no one is sure of what to do or say, be the one to offer a genuine smile and a kind word of reassurance. When there is something that must be said, be the one to speak up and get it out in the open.
If everyone waits for someone else to make the first move, nothing ever gets done. Be the one to step forward and get all those around you moving in a positive direction. The world needs those who are willing to get things going. And life richly rewards those who do it.
Take the initiative and be a leader. Someone has to do it, and you can be the one.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
Monday, July 28, 2003
I Hit The Goodwill Jackpot!
Hi Guys! Welcome to yet another Monday. Can you believe we are more than halfway through this year? I was in Michaels craft store over the last week and they have all of their Halloween stuff and some Christmas stuff out already. I stopped in my tracks and felt a wave of panic… you see, not only am I not ready to think about the holidays, but Halloween is "Blast Off!" for baby. You know once you see this stuff in the stores, it means the speed by which the seconds, minutes, hours, and days pass speeds up significantly! No, Really! Laughing… Oh my gosh, we really are going to have a baby.. that is the moment the realization hit home, in the doorway of Michaels Craft Store.
So short of walking around a little more dazed than pregnancy usually dictates, we had a very eventful week with Colton. He saw 4 movies, Pirates, Finding Nemo, Bruce Almighty, and Johnny English. We went to the river to swim twice, went shopping at the Roseville Galleria, visited Denio's Farmers & Flea Market, and made stepping stones out of our feet for a little walkway we are working on. Oh, and the high point of Colton's visit, we saw the bear again on Saturday. Since this is the 3rd time since July 11th, we feel it is only right to name the Bear. He will now be referred to as Koda.
For me, I won the lotto on Saturday… no, not the California State Lottery, the Goodwill shopping lottery. I went to the grand opening of a new Goodwill store in Citrus Heights and with Colton sniveling about the clothes being "used," therefore, not worthy of my money, I found 8 dresses (really pretty, colorful, dresses that fit!), 2 pair of pants and a pair of shorts all for $45! So through all my excitement, what does Dave have to say? "That's nice. You better hurry up and wear them, you only have 3 more months." ONLY? Did he really say ONLY? I had to just laugh out loud! Not ONLY, is 3 months in this awkward, blossoming body a long time, but maybe someone should tell him that only Shania Twain and Cindy Crawford wear their pre-pregnancy clothes home from the hospital after having a baby! If they even go to a hospital… I mean who has time when your labor starts and your baby is born in less than 60 minutes, effortlessly, “bloop,” here's baby, just like that, and now you are on your way to shoot your next sexy video or magazine cover in your most midriff-baring, cleavage-enhancing (Hey! Perk of pregnancy!) pre-pregnancy clothes! Laughing!
Okay, enough of that, I hope you all had a great weekend. Drop me a note and let me know what kind of fun you had… staying at home, going swimming, I love to hear back!
I like this motivator, I find it to be very true. I am expecting that with our recent challenges and discomforts, our nourishment and opportunity should be here any minute!! Have a great week!
Life's Gift
You cannot avoid effort, for avoiding effort is itself an effort. What you can do is to make your efforts count for something, something as grand and magnificent as you can imagine. Life will ask something of you each and every moment. The more willingly and graciously you give what life asks of you, the more positive value you'll receive as a result. That which life asks of you is also life's gift to you. Those places where you spend the most effort, where you give the most of yourself, are the places where you'll realize the most value. Sadly, too many people miss out on the best that life has to offer when they attempt to avoid challenge and discomfort. By so doing they end up making their lives even more challenging and even more uncomfortable. Life is persistent and generous in providing you with plenty of nourishment and opportunity. So the challenges will continue to come your way until you're ready to make something truly grand and meaningful out of them. Give what life asks, promptly and enthusiastically. And you'll experience the very best that life has to give.
Monday, July 21, 2003
Guess Who's Back?
Welcome to Monday! Maybe welcome to some and for others, not so much… laughing! We had quite the weekend. Colton is here with us this week so we mixed it up with some of the everyday stuff (unpacking, grocery shopping, a little TV time) and some of the fun, summertime stuff (playing in the river, catching a movie, a visit to the mall and a fast food dinner out). We saw Pirates of the Caribbean on Saturday and “WOW!” What a fun movie! The movie was good, the story was original, there was a little twist and Johnny Depp was Phenomenal! Definitely worth seeing on the big screen.
So, we had our visitor back on Sunday.....yes, I am talking about the bear. Now, come on you guys, almost nobody commented last week about a bear in our back yard… do you often have bears in your back yard? The funny thing is that the bear was minding his own business, just walking through (on his way where I don't know), and it was the boys in the house who were being a nuisance! Going after him, Colton was making a racket in the weeds & ivy while Dave was “just trying to get a good picture,” and then in the car to see, "if we can find him!" Talk about the opportunity to get some of "America's Funniest Home Video.” In any case, it seemed to be a fluke that we have seen him twice in 8 days. Most people in the neighborhood said they have never seen a bear and have lived there for years.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and have plans for keeping cool this week. Enjoy this Motivator, I know I need to keep my energy levels up to keep walking & stretching (I am up to two miles each day at lunchtime) but I still seem to keep getting bigger and bigger! Laughing! Lots of love, Kath
Growing Stronger
Your body’s muscles are made stronger by the resistance they encounter. And so are you. Use the strength you have, and as a result, you will have even more. Step up to the challenges, and you'll be preparing yourself to successfully meet even greater challenges. By being strong you become yet stronger. For it is always possible to go a little beyond where you've gone before, and you can do it again and again. Push steadily forward, and with each push, you'll grow stronger and more capable. Though you may start small, you'll soon begin to see big results. Those who are strong became that way, not through luck or magic or mysterious process. Those who are strong became strong by applying what strength they had, over and over. And so can you
Monday, July 14, 2003
We're Moved!
Hello! Today is a great day to be at work because it is time I can relax! We worked our behinds off this weekend finalizing our move out of Dutch Flat. I would like to say that being preggers excluded me from the dirty work…. Au contraire! Not only did I help load and unload up and downstairs, but it was my job to clean the Dutch Flat house and unpack the Auburn house. It actually worked out nicely, Dave did most of the actual moving of our things and any carrying I did was of the lighter sort. And on the flip side, Dave helped me with the cleaning in the DF house, shampooing carpets, vacuuming stairs and cleaning fireplaces. Needless to say, the job has only just begun! Let the unpacking begin! THANK YOU so much to Mary and Keith for spending Saturday with us helping move and clean. Saturday night was so much fun. I don't remember the last time we belly laughed for such extended periods of time!
So now we are in Auburn and after almost 10 months in the mountains and numerous deer sightings, Dave called me yesterday to inform me that he was looking at a bear in our backyard (Yes! In Auburn!). He called animal control and was informed that this is very common and we should secure our garbage cans. Eeaasshhh!
On a final note, does anyone have a Southwest voucher they can't use or would be willing to donate to a good cause? This is the "I have to get my best friend to my red neck baby shower" fundraiser. OK, not really a fundraiser, I just thought, if someone has one that may be close to expiration or several that they wouldn't miss one and would be willing to part with it, I would ask. Julie needs to travel on Sept 21, 2003.
I really like this motivator. It holds special meaning for me right now as I am working on getting back on track to making my life less stressful and more prosperous. Have a great week and I would love to hear from you. Love Kath
Your own special greatness Your life has a purpose, something uniquely suited to who you are. The more closely you align your day-to-day priorities with that purpose, the more fulfillment you'll know. When the priorities you've chosen stray away from your purpose, then life becomes filled with frustration. When you put your time and effort into things that don't really matter, it brings on a painful, gnawing emptiness. If something is truly important to the core of your being, then there is most certainly a way to make it happen. When you make the effort and spend the time on what really matters, the rewards will be great indeed. It will never be easy to follow your purpose. For by its very definition, your highest purpose demands the best that you have to offer. Yet following that purpose will fulfill you in a way that nothing else can. To every extent possible, align your priorities to who you truly are. Let your own special greatness light up this world
*Used with permission from Ralph Marston and The Daily Motivator.
Monday, July 7, 2003
Our Mutts Nursery
Welcome to the Monday after the long holiday weekend, I hope you had a really nice weekend and relaxed more than Dave and I did. As you all know, we are moving and as sucky as that is, we are fortunate enough to have access to the new house early so we can move over a little more time than having to do it all in one weekend. The downside is that long workdays that start while it is still dark outside, traffic, unloading a truck to the new location and arriving home to (pack &) load another truck full leaves little time for dinner, conversation and a shower before going to bed for another early rise. So this sounds like no matter how you season it, moving doesn't taste very good! Laughing!
We did paint the nursery though and I have to say, I am very proud of what we created. We have created a frame from our favorite comic strip Mutts that includes a big tree, green grass, a blue sky, and a vibrant sun. We will create several poses for each character that can be interchanged in the frame to change the story. The other walls are two-tone, pale colors, blue and yellow. Yellow for the upper half of the walls and blue from the floor up to the yellow. To blend where the colors meet, the yellow flows like fire from the sun and the blue blows like the wind around the room. It is really very nice. Here is one of my all-time favorite Mutts comic strips.
We did paint the nursery though and I have to say, I am very proud of what we created. We have created a frame from our favorite comic strip Mutts that includes a big tree, green grass, a blue sky, and a vibrant sun. We will create several poses for each character that can be interchanged in the frame to change the story. The other walls are two-tone, pale colors, blue and yellow. Yellow for the upper half of the walls and blue from the floor up to the yellow. To blend where the colors meet, the yellow flows like fire from the sun and the blue blows like the wind around the room. It is really very nice. Here is one of my all-time favorite Mutts comic strips.
On another note, our very dear friends Ken and Dahlynn were featured in the Sacramento Bee on Saturday in the home living section. More specifically, their back yard was featured. Go West - into a suburban back yard Published on July 5, 2003, Page CL6. It was very cool to be flipping through the paper and see Ken and Dahlynn. I guess this is something I should get used to as they have just completed their Chicken Soup for the Fisherman's Soul book scheduled for release in 2004. Keep your fingers crossed, Hotty Roddy submitted a story that has made it through many rounds of cuts to the final readers. I think I have that correct. There is a good possibility his story could be published. Congratulations!
Instead of a typical motivator, how about some food for thought........ask yourself this, ”How many more genuine friends would I have if we all met one another in the dark?” This just makes me think because no matter how aware we think we are, what prejudices do we have ingrained in us from our upbringing? From our culture? From society? The little things that we think before we even realize we have passed judgment. I know this is true for me and I want to take that little extra effort to realize that I can control what I think, and how I feel, and when I find my self passing judgment, to stop. Simply stop. I hope you have a great week and look forward to hearing from you very soon!
Monday, June 30, 2003
Are You Fully Alive?
Hello and welcome to a new week! If my estimations are correct, this will be a short week for most of us. I know my honey has to work on Friday so though he will not be privy to the extra day off, his paycheck will reflect a something extra for his hard work!
We had quite the eventful weekend. Friday evening we had dinner with the newlyweds, Jim, and Teresa Thompson! Whoo-Hoo and Congratulations! Nothing like taking the plunge on a Wednesday afternoon! Best of luck and love to both of you! Saturday we had lots to do with packing and starting the big move. We got a treat later that day that included an overnight stay in Reno and tickets to see comedian Jeff Foxworthy. I won this prize package on Friday on the radio and it was the perfect time to take this drive, Dave's birthday and I can still walk without a waddle. Although the dress I wore was looking a bit like a tent! Sunday morning we headed back down to the Auburn house with another truckload and stayed to start the work that involved tearing wallpaper off one bathroom wall (that one went really easily), and paper off several walls in the room that will be the nursery (this one, not so easy!). Dave really worked his tail off. We headed back to Dutch Flat where I ended up napping while Dave packed boxes, loaded another truckload, returned phone calls, scheduled help for moving, and got ready to go back to work. We called it a day with BBQ shish-kabobs for dinner and needless to say, it wasn't long before we were soundly sleeping!
I like this motivator. I need to be reminded of this especially at times like now. When life seems to be overwhelming and the challenges seem great, I have to concentrate on choosing how I think about things. Someone commented the other day that Dave and I have it all, the American Dream......a happy marriage, a baby on the way and a cocker spaniel dog. I thought, "Is that all it takes?" Funny for me to think that when most of you know how long the Happy Marriage part took! laughing!! In any case, it made me think, and yes, we do have it all. I give too much power to the challenges and problem-solving. I need to acknowledge the good, the easy, and the true blessings, really appreciate being fully alive. Today I will do just that!
Fully Alive
Live the life that you've been given. Live it fully, generously and enthusiastically in each and every moment. Fulfillment is not hidden from you in some secret, mysterious place. It is right there in front of you the moment you are ready to see it and to live it. There are so many things of which you are capable, you could not even list them all. Instead of making that list, make use of some of those magnificent capabilities and make a life that is filled with richness. If you were fully appreciative of just one-tenth of your blessings, it would cause you to spring to life with such exuberance that nothing would stop you. Consider for a moment what it truly means to be you, here, now. Think about the abundance of powerful, positive options that are available to you this very moment. Then stand up tall, step forward and live. Live this day for everything its worth and immerse yourself in the joy of being fully alive.
Monday, June 16, 2003
AT&T Is The Worst!
I may be late, but at least it is still Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a Happy Father's Day. Dave is off at his National Guard Annual Training so I was with friends; Terry, Julie, Mike, Samantha & Michael, and Mary & Keith! Not bad for a whole bunch of mini visits!
It looks like Dave and I will be moving to Auburn. We don't have the deal completely inked yet, but I feel confident, come July 12/13, we will be unpacking in a new house. I'll let you know about new information when I have it. You can rest assured with the changes that are coming, we will be either changing or eliminating cell phone numbers. I am at my wits end with our wireless service. In the last 8 months, I have agreed to change our plan 3 times to "provide us with the service that suits our calling needs" and continue to get a bill that would send Kathy Smith into cardiac arrest! (Kathy Smith is a VERY fit aerobics instructor known for home exercise tapes). I'm sure you all know, when you agree to change your calling plan, you agree to a one year contract starting at the change of service date. I really think it would be cheaper to pay the fee for canceling early than to keep paying these astronomical wireless bills. Any suggestions for affordable service in this area?
So I am feeling that my energy levels are unusually low. I am sleeping and eating pretty good, drinking lots of water, so other than the little person growing inside me, there is no reason to feel so zapped. Okay, I know that is significant, but come on, these are supposed to be the "feel good" months! Laughing! So today I am going to give you a motivator that is a little different. This is a reminder, a gentle nudge to take stock and be aware. I hope you have a healthy and prosperous week!
May the Force Be With You -
I believe every living thing carries its own energy force, and when we connect with the positive vibes in the air around us, we also infuse our aspirations with a breath of life. Energy is more often felt than seen - like in that moment when a high note in a song makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. For every toxic person or experience we encounter, there's an equal and opposite positive force available to us. It's when we tap into that power that our zest for living makes us infectiously attractive - the kind of person others feel drawn to. What party-for-one can you throw yourself each day to give your spirit a boost? Which friends always leave you feeling more hopeful? Move toward people who give you back to yourself, away from those who suck you dry. When you're low on energy, what gives you your juice? Make this the moment that you stand to refill your cup. Oprah Winfrey, June 2003
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Grand Poobah Recovery
On Wednesday, YIKES! This is how schedules go when you are coming down form a fabulous Grand Poobah weekend and have to go back to real life. The 15th Anniversary for the Grand Poobah was a huge success! It was only hampered by 3 missing regulars, Mary Money Penney, Hotty Roddy, and Karen Darnell. We missed Jim and Teresa too, hopefully, they can get back in the loop and become Poobah Regulars! For those of you who didn't make it worry not, we had plenty of glass raising in your honor. Dave and I think we have found a house. We have two actually to chose from and hope to be making a decision in the next few days. So here we go again, I'm packing and Dave will be on the road… does this sound familiar or it just me? No, it is not just me, we went through this last November with Dave on the road working and me home packing and cleaning. The good news is, being preggers is going to make the actual move just the way I like it… delegate, delegate, delegate! Big Smile!
So being this late in the week, I am going to go with a quote that many of you may know. For me, leaving Riley for the weekend and returning to his big, big happy tail wags, this is the bullseye shot. "My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am" Unknown Author
I was asked if Riley was mad that we left him. It doesn't occur to him to be mad, he was so happy his people came back, he only appreciates the good… sounds like a lesson we could all stand to learn.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
MM 5/27/2003
Welcome to a new week!
And a short one too! Did you do something fun this weekend? Dave was off being a Civil War Soldier, and a Game Geek while I was home enjoying the sunshine. Wasn't the weather just glorious?
On Saturday I took Riley to the lake and he went swimming for the first time ever. It was pretty funny, he was just playing, getting his feet wet, up to about his belly and then he would get out and sniff around. Well that sniffer was working pretty good and he found the stinkiest, fishy place in the dirt and eagerly rubbed his face, head and all that is attached in this stinky, stinky stuff! "That's it, you're going in!" I put him in the water just over his head and he went under, eyes big, slightly panicked, looking up through the water, he starts to swim! He came up, snorting, paddling hard and when he got out of the water, he was so excited, he was shaking off the water, barking, wagging his tail and just filled with life. I guess it was one of those baby milestones.
Sunday was shopping for Poobah & groceries, and Monday was administrative. Organizing bills to pay, returning phone calls, tidying up the house and then off to meet Dave at the river, Discovery Park. We only spent a few hours, but it was enough time to get a stinging sunburn. Ouch!
I like this motivator. With some things in life right now making me question my skills and abilities, today I choose to think I can handle it. I can reshape my body & stay fit even while I am pregnant. I can communicate effectively with those I love in spite of emotions I can't always control right now, OH! I can control my emotions!! Laughing! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!! I KNOW I can!
Drop me a line and let me know how your weekend shaped up. I would love to hear from you!
With lots of love!
Thoughts Matter
What you become, you become first in your mind. What you accomplish, you accomplish first in your mind. The life you live is a direct and unfailing manifestation of your thoughts.
So what are you thinking? Do your thoughts hold you back, or do they push you forward? Look around you and you'll see. The life you live is the result of the thoughts to which you have given the most energy and attention.
Thoughts don't magically become reality the moment you think them. Rather, your thoughts become reality as a result of the power you give to them. If, for example, you think about how nice it would be to become an artist, and then never think that thought again, it won't happen. If, on the other hand, you constantly think about becoming an artist, throughout the day, day after day, month after month, to the point where those thoughts influence your actions, then you will indeed become an artist.
What thoughts are you constantly thinking? Are they destructive, or are they enriching and empowering? Your thoughts matter very much, and you are always free to think whatever you wish. Choose the thoughts that will lift you up and watch yourself soar as a result.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
And a short one too! Did you do something fun this weekend? Dave was off being a Civil War Soldier, and a Game Geek while I was home enjoying the sunshine. Wasn't the weather just glorious?
On Saturday I took Riley to the lake and he went swimming for the first time ever. It was pretty funny, he was just playing, getting his feet wet, up to about his belly and then he would get out and sniff around. Well that sniffer was working pretty good and he found the stinkiest, fishy place in the dirt and eagerly rubbed his face, head and all that is attached in this stinky, stinky stuff! "That's it, you're going in!" I put him in the water just over his head and he went under, eyes big, slightly panicked, looking up through the water, he starts to swim! He came up, snorting, paddling hard and when he got out of the water, he was so excited, he was shaking off the water, barking, wagging his tail and just filled with life. I guess it was one of those baby milestones.
Sunday was shopping for Poobah & groceries, and Monday was administrative. Organizing bills to pay, returning phone calls, tidying up the house and then off to meet Dave at the river, Discovery Park. We only spent a few hours, but it was enough time to get a stinging sunburn. Ouch!
I like this motivator. With some things in life right now making me question my skills and abilities, today I choose to think I can handle it. I can reshape my body & stay fit even while I am pregnant. I can communicate effectively with those I love in spite of emotions I can't always control right now, OH! I can control my emotions!! Laughing! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!! I KNOW I can!
Drop me a line and let me know how your weekend shaped up. I would love to hear from you!
With lots of love!
Thoughts Matter
What you become, you become first in your mind. What you accomplish, you accomplish first in your mind. The life you live is a direct and unfailing manifestation of your thoughts.
So what are you thinking? Do your thoughts hold you back, or do they push you forward? Look around you and you'll see. The life you live is the result of the thoughts to which you have given the most energy and attention.
Thoughts don't magically become reality the moment you think them. Rather, your thoughts become reality as a result of the power you give to them. If, for example, you think about how nice it would be to become an artist, and then never think that thought again, it won't happen. If, on the other hand, you constantly think about becoming an artist, throughout the day, day after day, month after month, to the point where those thoughts influence your actions, then you will indeed become an artist.
What thoughts are you constantly thinking? Are they destructive, or are they enriching and empowering? Your thoughts matter very much, and you are always free to think whatever you wish. Choose the thoughts that will lift you up and watch yourself soar as a result.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator
with permission
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