
Monday, October 11, 2004

Back To Normal...If There Is A Normal!

Well, I started this last night and the phone rang. After a great conversation, I started it again and Heather came home. One final time I made the attempt and noticed the clock and ended up going to bed. So here I am and I don't have much time. Mason is very determined to feed himself so he is in his high chair with some pasta shells, steamed baby carrots and some fresh corn cut off the cob. The corn is what buys me the time to kernel at a time he goes! Laughing!

I finished up today at ATC and now can get back to spending my days with Mason. I will still have my mornings and intend to get my office caught up and the house clean in preparation for our holiday decorations. We will be celebrating Mason's birthday on Sunday in a small neighborhood gathering. I am making him an Elmo cake and I know it will tickle him. He loves Elmo!

Julie is on her way up and we will have a wonderful evening talking and hopefully scrap booking. I will talk to you all again next week! Lots of love and enjoy this motivator!

Love Kathy

Who You Can Become

What you truly desire is indeed possible. If it were not possible, you could not have the genuine desire for it.

Your true desire is not there to taunt you or to frustrate you. Its purpose is to point your attention, your efforts, and your energy in a clear, specific, worthwhile direction.

The desires that demand the most from you are the ones that end up being the most valuable. For those desires compel you to discover and fulfill who you truly are.

It is not easy to transform a desire into reality. And that is one reason you desire it, to encourage you to get it done.

It is not easy, yet it is possible. And in pursuing your most desired possibilities, you more fully become the unique and valuable person you are.

Listen to your highest desires, see them, feel them and bring them to life. In those desires you'll discover who you can become.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator with permission

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