
Monday, December 6, 2004

Visits Galore!

Good Morning!

What a weekend and a fine time to have to catch up two weeks! Let me just say about last week that Thanksgiving was nice. It was quiet in that we were home, dinner was great and Al came up from Alameda to see us and take some pictures. It was awful in that Dave was not here, Mason cut three teeth and cried all day and thus, the pictures were just that, crying. Not to mention, shooting me was nearly impossible with poison oak everywhere!

This weekend was just over the top jam packed! Mason and I left early Saturday morning to head to the bay area. We had a brief visit with my Aunt Jeannette and a "Stop and see" with my niece Tammy who is in Vacaville visiting her mother in law. We spent most of the weekend with Dave's mom and Colton. We went to a spectacular Christmas Party held in honor of families of CA National Guard soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was amazing. We boarded buses and had a CHP escort to the home of Earl Riggs in Pleasanton. He is the founder of AMR Ambulance (ironically) and hosts a party every year. Usually it is for families who have very little and may not see a holiday party. This year, he decided to honor us and honor us he did! If you live in the bay area, you may have seen the news coverage. We had people on the streets with signs and flags greeting us as we approached his home (that is another motivator all together!). There were dancing elves, face painting, live music, prime rib dinner, all the lighted decorations you can imagine, Santa and all the wives got a box of letters of thanks and $300 in AM EX gift checks. Pretty Amazing. Dave's mom and Colton had a ball and I think it made them feel really good to be included. Mason wanted nothing to do with Santa. He couldn't take his eyes off him while we waited in line but the idea of touching him, NO WAY! I held him and as long as I sat on Santa's lap, that was OK, just ok, not good, but ok. The picture is priceless. Sunday we had a lovely visit with Dave's sister and her family. We all went out for breakfast (Colton and Mary too!) and everyone got to spend some quality time with Mason. It was a nice weekend.

A quick update on ONR. It is not going so well with Tower. I'm sorry to report that sales are worse than low, they are dismal. Anything you can do to encourage your family and friends to make a purchase would be great. If you need an email piece you can send out, I have them. Any support would be greatly appreciated!

I hope all is well with you and you have a great week! I am off to the shower to get ready for work! I missed the gym today as I woke up with a "I think I did too much and didn't drink enough water" headache! I will get back to it first think tomorrow! I hope you like this motivator. I do.

Lots of love!

Meaningful choices

Every action you take has consequences. That may at first seem to be a burden, but it is actually very empowering.

For consequences are what make progress possible. It is in the consequences that life's treasures are to be found.

Yes, many of life's consequences are burdensome. Yet a life with no consequences at all would carry with it a far greater and unbearable burden.

If there were no consequences, there would be no pathway to desired results. Without consequences, true achievement would be impossible.

Though some of them are painful, consequences ultimately point you in a positive direction. By experiencing consequences, both the positive and the negative ones, you learn which actions to take.

Though consequences can make life difficult, they also make it rich. For consequences give real meaning and value to the choices that you make.
Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator with permission

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