Seesh! I don't know about you, but I am having an awful time with allergies this year. The news is reporting that tree pollens are worse than they have been in years. I have to believe it, not only because I am suffering, but also because Dave was suffering, too. Dave has never had allergies before. He's in Arkansas now, and as soon as he was out of northern California, he was clear. How are you? Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?
As you all know, Dave is gone and Mason and I are finding our rhythm without him. I know as soon as I get my systems in place, he'll be home and we'll have to adjust again. I will say this though, I think spending time apart is one of the secrets to being happily married. Dave and I are very independent individuals and marrying a little later in life, we respect each others autonomy. Doing things on our own or with our friends keeps our marriage interesting. We have stories to share with each other along with being able to laugh about the times we we spend together. We certainly spend more time together as a family, but life's little side trips on our own keeps things balanced. What do you think? Do you think it was odd that I went to Vietnam without Dave, or that he is traveling for two weeks this summer without me?
So off I go to a very busy week. I have a long list of things to do for the house, another one for me personally, and yet another one for our invention (which by the way, I think I can tell you all about next Monday!). Have a great week and get back to me on the autonomy in marriage (or relationship, you don't have to be married). Lots of love!
"And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in all the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual."
John Steinbeck
Excellent topic & quote!
I just don't think we have to lose who we are to be a part of something else!
We don't....I think it should be enhancing to the exsisting life, not define it. When you loose yourself, you may no longer be cable of contributing positively to the relationship.
I personally prefer to go everywhere and do everything WITH Andy, but I am learning to enjoy things without him out of necesity...It does make a difference.
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