In any case, it's all good. My body will rest and I will follow up on all the notes and ideas I am listing to take action on when I wake up. Dave is still on crutches though it seems his leg is slowly improving. He still can't bear weight on it and has not yet started physical therapy. I know as much as he wants to be well and whole, he is not looking forward to those initial sessions. Can you say, "OWWW?"
On Saturday we went to Ken and Dahlynn's Siete de Mayo party and as usual, it was a really nice time. Sunday was Mother's Day and as they always do, Dave and Mason made my day. They presented me with a big bouquet of sweet peas, and an even bigger bag of fresh cherries! I did what I wanted to do (read, watched a movie, talked on the phone, and mostly just lounged around the house), and we all went out to dinner at Max's. Who could ask for more, right? Leave it to Dave to take it one step past good. Dave gave me a Brighton watch to replace the one I lost a few years ago. Isn't it wonderful that I am late and Dave has given me the gift of time? I'm smiling still as I write this post two days later!
So now I'm finishing up school (semester ends May 20th) and looking forward to taking a fun class for the summer. Isn't it cool that Drama counts for communication credits? The fall semester will find me back at full time with four classes (12 units). If you can't tell, I am thoroughly enjoying being back in school! I can't wait to see what kinds of opportunities present themselves through furthering my education.
I appreciate your patience with me as I sometimes get my Monday Motivator out late. I love that some of you check on me if you don't get it by late afternoon, it assures me that at least three of you read it! My Motivator for this week comes from a conversation I had with a girlfriend of mine who has been going through some big life changes over the last 12-18 months. I know some of you are, too. She was explaining that she is glad to be growing and can see that it is all for the best, but it has just been so darn SLOW! I said to her, "Life is a journey, (it's a cliche for a reason!) and when you think about it, the slower the better - who wants to hurry up and die?" Sometimes I even surprise myself when I put words together so well! Lots of love to all of you, sincerely!
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