I've been here visiting Diana since Thursday night and it's been a nice visit. These are not easy times and this visit has been right in line with my journey and the life lessons I'm learning. My big focus for this new year was about honesty and more importantly getting honest with myself. Yeah, it's easier to "help" someone else see when they are not being honest but I want to keep the focus on me. The useful part about the people around me is I get to know when some of you are putting on the "Aint life grand!" show on Facebook and then share with me the truth - life's not the easy ride so many make it out to be on the social media channels. With that said, Diana loves her family in CO, but misses her family back in CA - there's no shame in that. Moving to another state and starting over is hard. I just moved to southern CA and I didn't make it 6 months! I know how lonely it is and more than lonely, it's scary - especially for a beautiful single woman. With that said, this weekend we met some wonderful women who interestingly are dealing with many of the same things Diana is. One has relocated to CO to take care of her mom, too. The other woman, also caring for her mom is a yoga instructor who invited Diana to join her at their new studio. These ladies seem like a great start to making new friends ands establishing a much more comfortable life here in CO. For me, I see much of my journey in Diana's in terms of finding joy in my own company and most of all realizing that comparing what I have and where I am to anyone else is pointless. The grass is not greener and who says greener is better anyway? We each have what we create and when we are put in situations that have been created for us, we need to redecorate but the fact remains, there is no over, under, or around, the way to happiness is through (plug in whatever you have to get through). Simply through.
So off we go to the airport and me back to my boys. I'm so thankful for this time with Diana not only because I know the comfort of a good friend in her space was good for her, but also because I appreciate that we had a real visit, not a fluffy, fake one. It was as good for me as it was for her, maybe even better for me. With love to all of you, thanks for being real.
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