Unpacking, Unpacking, Unpacking...
I feel like I am unpacking, and unpacking, and unpacking, and yet there is still more unpacking to do! In the meantime, while boxes are getting unloaded and stuff being put in a place. The Partak started a family weight loss/fitness challenge today. We weighed in and measured our middles - each of us setting our own path and chipping in to cook healthy meals. We will be doing our 2-2-2 workout (2 minutes each of sit ups, push ups, and squats), and we each chipped in $25 and the household account also chipped in $75 for a total prize of $150 to the winner. We are planning to go for 45 days, let's see if the money will keep us motivated to stay with it. I know I am not particularly driven by the almighty dollar.
One of the things I have completed is, I got all my baking and cake/cookie decorations unpacked and put away in an organized fashion. No more storing things in cardboard boxes and bags, everything has a place! It will be so nice to bake something and go right to what I need. See the photo for an idea of what I am taking about.
Now I am off to play with our spiralizer, it's a kitchen badger that makes noodles out of fruits and vegetables. I've used it once and loved it. In light of the fitness challenge, I want to see if how I eat my food keeps me engaged as much as what I am eating. More next week!
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