Things Mason Says...
June 2019
Mason: Mom, your IGA is pretty weak.
Me: Really? Why do you think that?
Mason: Your posts don’t have very many likes at all.
Me: Is that what makes an IG account strong or worthwhile, lots of likes?
Mason: Well yeah, you have to have lots of likes.
Me: What if I don’t have lots of likes, but one person tells me in a comment that my post was just what they needed
to hear?
Mason: Well, that’s good too, but really, you need lots of likes.
Me: I’ll take the one comment sharing that I touched someone over lots of likes.
Mason: Yeah mom, that sounds like you, your heart prefers the words more than the likes.
July 2014
Mason: Dang this Pandora! There is no reason it shouldn't be loading, we are in a major neopolitan area.
Me: Uh, I think you mean metropolitan.
Mason: Oh, yeah. What is neopolitan again?
Me: Either an ice cream flavor, an era, or a region depending on how you are using it.
Mason: Oh yeah, okay, then that's funny, major neopolitan area!
Shaking my head, he cracks himself up! He gets that from me.
June 2014
Mason: Mom, I went on a genealogy website and I found my great grandfather, and he's still alive.
Me: No, that can't be right, I know both of your great grandfathers are no longer with us, they have passed.
Mason: No mom, I'm sure this is my logical great grandfather.
Me: Well now I know that it's not true because nobody in our family is logical!
Of course he meant biological. :)
July 2010
While listening to a comment about ending world hunger Mason emphatically said to me,
"I'm never ending world hunger!"
I replied, "Why not?"
"Because I'm always hungry and if we end world hunger how will we know it's time to eat?" Mason reasoned.
I laughed, I didn't even know what to say.
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