
Monday, June 30, 2003

Are You Fully Alive?

Hello and welcome to a new week! If my estimations are correct, this will be a short week for most of us. I know my honey has to work on Friday so though he will not be privy to the extra day off, his paycheck will reflect a something extra for his hard work! 

We had quite the eventful weekend. Friday evening we had dinner with the newlyweds, Jim, and Teresa Thompson! Whoo-Hoo and Congratulations! Nothing like taking the plunge on a Wednesday afternoon! Best of luck and love to both of you! Saturday we had lots to do with packing and starting the big move. We got a treat later that day that included an overnight stay in Reno and tickets to see comedian Jeff Foxworthy. I won this prize package on Friday on the radio and it was the perfect time to take this drive, Dave's birthday and I can still walk without a waddle. Although the dress I wore was looking a bit like a tent! Sunday morning we headed back down to the Auburn house with another truckload and stayed to start the work that involved tearing wallpaper off one bathroom wall (that one went really easily), and paper off several walls in the room that will be the nursery (this one, not so easy!). Dave really worked his tail off. We headed back to Dutch Flat where I ended up napping while Dave packed boxes, loaded another truckload, returned phone calls, scheduled help for moving, and got ready to go back to work. We called it a day with BBQ shish-kabobs for dinner and needless to say, it wasn't long before we were soundly sleeping!

I like this motivator. I need to be reminded of this especially at times like now. When life seems to be overwhelming and the challenges seem great, I have to concentrate on choosing how I think about things. Someone commented the other day that Dave and I have it all, the American Dream......a happy marriage, a baby on the way and a cocker spaniel dog. I thought, "Is that all it takes?" Funny for me to think that when most of you know how long the Happy Marriage part took! laughing!! In any case, it made me think, and yes, we do have it all. I give too much power to the challenges and problem-solving. I need to acknowledge the good, the easy, and the true blessings, really appreciate being fully alive. Today I will do just that!

Fully Alive 
Live the life that you've been given. Live it fully, generously and enthusiastically in each and every moment. Fulfillment is not hidden from you in some secret, mysterious place. It is right there in front of you the moment you are ready to see it and to live it. There are so many things of which you are capable, you could not even list them all. Instead of making that list, make use of some of those magnificent capabilities and make a life that is filled with richness. If you were fully appreciative of just one-tenth of your blessings, it would cause you to spring to life with such exuberance that nothing would stop you. Consider for a moment what it truly means to be you, here, now. Think about the abundance of powerful, positive options that are available to you this very moment. Then stand up tall, step forward and live. Live this day for everything its worth and immerse yourself in the joy of being fully alive. 

Monday, June 16, 2003

AT&T Is The Worst!

I may be late, but at least it is still Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a Happy Father's Day. Dave is off at his National Guard Annual Training so I was with friends; Terry, Julie, Mike, Samantha & Michael, and Mary & Keith! Not bad for a whole bunch of mini visits! 

It looks like Dave and I will be moving to Auburn. We don't have the deal completely inked yet, but I feel confident, come July 12/13, we will be unpacking in a new house. I'll let you know about new information when I have it. You can rest assured with the changes that are coming, we will be either changing or eliminating cell phone numbers. I am at my wits end with our wireless service. In the last 8 months, I have agreed to change our plan 3 times to "provide us with the service that suits our calling needs" and continue to get a bill that would send Kathy Smith into cardiac arrest! (Kathy Smith is a VERY fit aerobics instructor known for home exercise tapes). I'm sure you all know, when you agree to change your calling plan, you agree to a one year contract starting at the change of service date. I really think it would be cheaper to pay the fee for canceling early than to keep paying these astronomical wireless bills. Any suggestions for affordable service in this area?

So I am feeling that my energy levels are unusually low. I am sleeping and eating pretty good, drinking lots of water, so other than the little person growing inside me, there is no reason to feel so zapped. Okay, I know that is significant, but come on, these are supposed to be the "feel good" months! Laughing! So today I am going to give you a motivator that is a little different. This is a reminder,  a gentle nudge to take stock and be aware. I hope you have a healthy and prosperous week! 

May the Force Be With You - 

I believe every living thing carries its own energy force, and when we connect with the positive vibes in the air around us, we also infuse our aspirations with a breath of life. Energy is more often felt than seen - like in that moment when a high note in a song makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. For every toxic person or experience we encounter, there's an equal and opposite positive force available to us. It's when we tap into that power that our zest for living makes us infectiously attractive - the kind of person others feel drawn to. What party-for-one can you throw yourself each day to give your spirit a boost? Which friends always leave you feeling more hopeful? Move toward people who give you back to yourself, away from those who suck you dry. When you're low on energy, what gives you your juice? Make this the moment that you stand to refill your cup. Oprah Winfrey, June 2003

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Grand Poobah Recovery

On Wednesday, YIKES! This is how schedules go when you are coming down form a fabulous Grand Poobah weekend and have to go back to real life. The 15th Anniversary for the Grand Poobah was a huge success! It was only hampered by 3 missing regulars, Mary Money Penney, Hotty Roddy, and Karen Darnell. We missed Jim and Teresa too, hopefully, they can get back in the loop and become Poobah Regulars! For those of you who didn't make it worry not, we had plenty of glass raising in your honor. Dave and I think we have found a house. We have two actually to chose from and hope to be making a decision in the next few days. So here we go again, I'm packing and Dave will be on the road… does this sound familiar or it just me? No, it is not just me, we went through this last November with Dave on the road working and me home packing and cleaning. The good news is, being preggers is going to make the actual move just the way I like it… delegate, delegate, delegate! Big Smile! 

So being this late in the week, I am going to go with a quote that many of you may know. For me, leaving Riley for the weekend and returning to his big, big happy tail wags, this is the bullseye shot. "My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am" Unknown Author

I was asked if Riley was mad that we left him. It doesn't occur to him to be mad, he was so happy his people came back, he only appreciates the good… sounds like a lesson we could all stand to learn.