
Monday, April 12, 2010

Unsettled Times

I love springtime! It's this wonderful mix of rain, sunshine, snow, hail, fog, and wind. It's an incredible metaphor for our lives right now, all over the place!

I've been so busy juggling all my responsibilities that my days are blurring. I wake up in the morning and it takes me a moment to process what day it is and am I late. The good news is, I'm sleeping so deeply that I have to wonder what day it is and am I late! It's no secret that times are tough for all of us, but now more than ever it's important to make time to do something, anything that makes us happy. One of those things for me is writing and I know I'm getting overwhelmed when a Monday Motivator doesn't go out and I don't realize it. I know you are all over-busy because for the first time in more than ten years, not one of you asked me why you didn't get it! So I'm writing...the Monday Motivator, my Intentional Winning in Life blog, and as a Lifestyle expert on (you can see my current article here What are you doing in these tough times that you love?

I firmly believe the old adage, that which doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I also know that as my dear friend Zelda says, "Tough times don't last but tough people do!" I don't know how much longer these tough times are going to linger, but as long as I have my family and all of you, I'll be just fine!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Big Mike said...

I agree, it is not fun just getting by. But there are a lot of people who have it a lot worse.
We will get through this and we know we can count on our friends.