Welcome to a new week...that is not so new!
Busy is an understatement! Mason is playing football so until October 19, he will be practicing 3 days a week with games on Saturdays, in culinary school one day, and regular school the other 4 days. Add to that, he is working on recipes to demo at the TomatoFest in September, and mandarin recipes for the Mandarin Festival in November as well. Mason's cooking demo at the TomatoFest will be his one year anniversary of his very first cooking demo, isn't that a cool milestone? When Mason is busy, you know what that means - I'm busy. Dave's job has had a few twists and turns and the most uncomfortable of them are the extra hour a day he has to work on M-W-F.
On a bright note, we have a holiday weekend coming up, and my work is taking off - I'm learning SO much! I'm counting the days to the upcoming weekend when I will get to paint rocks at the river while Dave and Mason are at a gaming convention. Stay tuned for some new RiverLights Images. I am also working on another idea, something to enhance our community and connect with more people on a personal level. Watch for good things to come.