
Monday, August 31, 2020

What Are Your Favorite Books?

If you had to put only the books you could keep in one box and you had to donate all the rest, what would be in your box? Here’s mine. Of course, I would want more books, but what if you really could only have a few? Could you enjoy reading the same books over and over? I don’t know that I could, but these would be some of my favorites. What are yours?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Weight Loss Challenge Results

In our last week of this weight loss challenge (#2 for me), I’ve been feeling like I blew it. My life has been as busy and crazy as it’s ever been, and today is the first day I didn’t have to be out the door and running like crazy until midnight. I got up, had my coffee and while putting clothes away I decided to try on my “goal” shorts. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

With that said, it made me see that by continuing to practice the good habits I’ve committed to, taking my supplements, and using the fiberwise, my body is still changing and the weight is still slowly coming off. Keep in mind, I’ve been eating what I want, but so much less of it. 

In the photo this morning, it’s not pretty but I’m not wearing a tank-top of any kind, my shorts fit on just me. I’m actually looking forward to taking measurements on Monday. Stay the course friends, it’s working even when you don’t feel like it is. 

Kitchen Update - It’s not done but it’s SO super close. This is just one comparison but with two finishes. The kitchen sink area and the far end section of the countertop had not been finally sanded and finished with the ultimate top coat. I do like the wet look, but the durability of this product makes it worth going with a more natural-stone look. You really have to see it in person to appreciate how gorgeous it really is.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Our WHO Trumps the What Every Time!

What a wild ride it’s been! From camping at Bullard’s Bar, distance learning started for Mason at Placer and it’s working, to some time in Reno with some of our favorite people, to adventures in Real Estate, wrapping up with a wedding on the record-breaking, hottest day of the year! Yesterday it was 111 in Sac breaking their 1920 record of 108. Oh, and the day before yesterday, our AC died. 

It’s been a really great week and despite the discomfort of the heat inside the house yesterday, I’m grateful for my people. Our friends who invited us camping and gave us a campsite, our friends who drove to Reno to spend time with us, my friends who trust me to handle the biggest financial transactions of their lives, the friends who allow us to be a part of their special day when guest list had to be limited, and especially the friends who come over within 30 minutes of my call on a Saturday morning to service our AC. When he couldn’t fix it yesterday, he kept working and found something that would get it running until it can be fixed tomorrow - he was here at 7:11am (on a Sunday!) and it was on at 7:29. 

We’ve heard it a million times, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” 
Yes, the WHO in our lives trumps the What every single time. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

When the Whole is Tossed Away Because of One Point

Happy National Girlfriend's Day Jules! (August 1, 2020)

Remember when we took that "Thelma & Louise" weekend trip to Nashville? We road-tripped to the National BBQ Championships in Lynchburg, we found our "world's biggest ball of string" at The Old Stone Fort, we didn't dance enough but we drank too much! How did we do all the things we did in those 72 hours? Ah, to be young again! Circa 1999

It’s all just so sad. Relationships are being destroyed needlessly. I realize there are problems but giving ultimatums to people who have lived 60, 70, 80, and 90+ years, working hard, being kind, and sacrificing is not the way to bring them to your way of thinking. I mean really, does one subject (racism, civil rights, presidents, political parties, abortion, etc) make up the whole? If I’m pro-choice does that negate that I feed my neighbors, raise money for my community, support our veterans, and give to nearly every charity that asks? We are all good people. When you dig your heels in on one subject, think about the cost. It might be higher than you think. Even my 16 year old has said, “Hey, even if we don’t see eye to eye on some of today’s issues, I still hold you in high regard and respect you.“ Doesn’t it make more sense to stay close to people and continue to have the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings and educate?


This meme spoke to me today and as I said today in an email reply, “Thank you for letting me know how you feel. I will not be meeting the requirements you outlined for our relationship at this time. Should the situation or your feelings about it change, you are both welcome in my life just as you are. I love you both deeply, be well."

This was in reply to a 16-page letter, typed in 10 pt font, single-spaced That spelled out not only why I’m racist, but that I buy into dismissive positivity, why the positive things I believe are completely wrong, in addition to links to videos, links to articles, and an entire page of references to where I can find the truth. It ended with a long list of all the things I have to do and ways I have to change to continue to be in a relationship with this couple. In essence, I need to agree and get on the bandwagon that they are on regarding racism and specifically "white fragility.”  If you’ve read the book or know anything about it you will know that there is not one single thing you can say that would not be “predictable” because you are white and “privileged.” 


 I’m just soaked with sadness about this... all of this.