
Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Motivator

So last week I mad mention of winning the trip to Las Vegas on New Years Eve. Here is the story of Intentional Winning on the radio.

The Friday before New Years eve, I was home listening to the radio. The local country station was having their usual give aways - only this time with a twist. For the month of December, every time you won something, anything, your name went in the hopper for the trip to Vegas. When I heard them say it was time to call I told Dave to start dialing. While we both dialed, he asked what we were winning. I told him a CD. "Why do you want a CD?" he asked. "I don't care about the CD, I am winning the trip to Vegas." I replied as I won the CD and qualified for the trip. I put the phone back and laughed to Dave that I would be winning the trip on Monday morning. Easy-peasy!

Monday morning at 8:00 Am, I was preparing to go running and didn't want to miss the call telling me I had won. I called the radio station to ask them when they would be doing the drawing and they said in just a few minutes. The DJ asked if I was a qualifier and I confidently told him I was his winner. He laughed and asked for my name. I hesitated and said that I didn't want to tell him my name because when he pulled it, he would think it was too strange and not want to call me. He said no, it would be fate to which I replied, "I like to think of it as intention." We hung up and in less than two minutes he called me back to tell me I had won the trip.

I spoke to him afterwards and he asked how I knew I had won. I told him that from the time I qualified, I intended to be the winner. It never occurred to me that I would not win. He e-mailed me the MP3 of me winning and he even included the phone call prior to, which makes it so much more interesting. Have a great week and intend great things for yourself!

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