
Monday, August 2, 2010

No More Cherries!

WOW! The last two weeks has been one of those wild rides that keeps you on your toes...some would simply say, "Sounds like life to me." My blog background of cherries are gone! Par for course today, I guess I need to find a new one.

The last two weeks have been a combination of amazing and infuriating! The crap first because I prefer to end on an up note. My computer crashed a week ago and I was confident that the computer coverage I have would cover it. Nope. Today I learned that because I was not careless and ran over it with my car, it will not be covered. I now need to figure out how to replace it ($$$). I've also been struggling with some personal issues, many you know about (our mortgage modification versus selling the house), and some you don't. Relationships are usually pretty easy for me, but lately as we all face different (some not so different) challenges, those stresses show up in our relationships. Communications are not clear, the patience that we usually have for each other is less present, and in general, we just don't have the where-with-all to grant beingness like we would under normal or less stressful circumstances.

We've all heard it said that in these tough times, we need love and understanding more than ever. I'm here to shout it from the roof tops! Patience is hard to come by when you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Don't we all feel that way now? Many of you do because we talk and I know though it's not all financial, people you know are unemployed, struggling to keep their houses, losing their houses, trying to make ends meet, working to support those we love in their struggles and being frustrated that they may not be doing all we think they can do. Or maybe making choices you wouldn't make and then coming to you for help. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, we need to find it in our hearts to not judge and simply love. I know I recently hurt someone I love. She hurt me, too. I felt like through her pain she couldn't listen to me long enough to understand what I was trying to communicate. I believe she feels she heard me loud and clear, and completely. I know she didn't. Maybe we will discuss it, I hope so. If we don't, it will be one more casualty of the pressure we are all feeling right now. It makes us a little crazed and it's nearly impossible to be present when you are under any amount of pressure.

The good stuff in the last two weeks is that my friend Julianne was here from Minnesota! We had so much fun! Here's the short list: We went to Viaggio Winery (also the name of her company, we had a gathering in Clements at Julies house, we went to Lake Clementine, out for a night on the town in Nevada City, went to the Studio KYK grand opening ( - the official photog of ZipperBack Gloves and Boreal Ski Resort), and wrapped up her visit to Auburn with a lovely cocktail party on Saturday night in our backyard. On Sunday we flew to Orange County where she took care of some business and we met several wonderful people from twitter. After all, that is where Julianne and I met more than a year ago!

So this MM is a little long, but it's also been two weeks. I can't post pics just yet as it's just one more pressure to make Dave's computer compatible with my Blackberry which is where the pics are. As soon as I get that handled, I'll post pics, lots of them! Happy Monday, be patient, be kind, and don't judge. You may be making all the right decisions and choices now, but you can surely remember the times you have not. Loving, just be loving.

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