Hello Friends,
In light of my recent tardiness, I may have to rename my Monday Motivator to something like, "Tuesday Tip" or "Wednesday Whine." Maybe I could name it as I manage to get it out each week! Laughing! I suppose that I make it happen at all some weeks is a feat in itself.
My statistics class is giving me a run for my money. I should see if I can calculate the odds that A) I will pass B) I will fail or C) I will pass with a grade that makes me feel like I failed. I have spoken with a half a dozen friends at school and each one of us was told by our counselor that for our math requirement, "Take Statistics, it's a breeze!" Did they take this class? A breeze? I think not! In any case, expect a "Tuesday Tip" or a "Wednesday Whine" in the coming six weeks. I'm not even through week two and I've spend 19.87 hours on homework! That is not including 3 quizzes and the practice test and Exam 1 I will take Wednesday. Yeah, this sucks.
Mason shot his series of commercials last week and it went GREAT! I was so darn proud of him, he was professional, courteous and took direction like a champ. The casting company that booked him has a great track record of posting commercials on their Facebook page in addition to their You-tube channel. I will be sure to send a link when it's up.
Finally, we spent a fun day on Sunday in Alameda with Al. Mason and I got some new head shots and spent a little time at the beach. It was absolutely spectacular, warm and sun shiny, it made me sorry I moved away...It was so pretty Mason commented that we should vacation in Alameda. I agree! Until then, I have to get back to homework. Have a great week and when you have to do something you don't particularly want to do, think of me and 10-12 hours of statistics homework a week! "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can!"
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