Mason did a cooking demo at The California Honey Festival on Saturday and it was a dilly of a day! We had the usual prep to do to get out the door, but the night before we went out on the boat, so we needed to hose it off and clean it up before we left. What I am about to share was not funny, it was not funny at all, but as with most things, as time passes we can look back and see the humor in what could have been a REALLY bad scene. I sent Mason outside to take care of the boat clean up and he came back into the house to tell me the hose would not reach so I needed to move the boat closer to the driveway. I did and went back to the house to finish getting ready to leave. I was brushing my teeth when I heard my neighbor calling me in a voice that made me urgently run outside, not the normal, "Tell Mason just a minute, I'm brushing my teeth" response. I bolted out the door and saw Mason holding the boat trailer with two men behind it begging someone to bring the chocks to put behind the tires of the trailer. Our neighbor across the street was running out in her jammies carrying a rock bigger than she is, while I jammed the 4x4 pieces of wood behind the tires. The boat on the trailer had rolled down the whole length of our yard and our neighbors yard and the deck was just a few feet from resting in the metal bed of our neighbors truck! Now there were so many things running through my mind but as the adrenaline slowed and I realized that Mason was just trying to help by disconnecting the boat from my truck, he forgot to re-chock the tires from when I had just moved it. What impressed me the most and I can't quit thinking about it, is he didn't lose his cool, he held that boat and kept it from rolling downhill until our neighbors who heard him calling out, came to get behind it and hold it with him until I got there. How many kids would have panicked and just watched the boat roll into the neighbors truck? Yes, this could have been bad, but Mason made a mistake, he kept his cool, he got lucky, and hopefully, he learned a very valuable lesson.
After all that excitement, we slept in on Sunday and Mason and I had a sort of fun conversation...
Me - “You know Mason, Facebook memories showed me that we have a history of you misbehaving on Mother’s Day, and not being very nice.
Mason- “Really?”
Me - “Yeah, the least you could do outside of behaving, is make sure our house is always stocked with Jose Cuervo tequila. You know moms need tequila.”
Mason - “Mom, I’m 14, I can’t buy tequila.”
Me - ”Mason, you are a resourceful kid, find a way. It’s Mother’s Day.”
Mason- “Really?”
Me - “Yeah, the least you could do outside of behaving, is make sure our house is always stocked with Jose Cuervo tequila. You know moms need tequila.”
Mason - “Mom, I’m 14, I can’t buy tequila.”
Me - ”Mason, you are a resourceful kid, find a way. It’s Mother’s Day.”
Okay, I don't really expect him to buy me tequila, at least not until he is 21, but it was funny nonetheless.
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