Who has seen “The Great Hack” on Netflix? Was I not talking about this with Common Core in 2015? Certainly the data collection with common core in our schools is on a smaller scale, but the sale of personal data be it adults or children should come with full consent and permission.
Currently, we do not have rights to our personal data unless one has never been online. If you have purchased something or participated on any social media platform, your data has been collected, if even on a minimal level. If you’ve seen the documentary, I’d love to hear your thoughts and discuss. It"s difficult to wrap my head around. Part of me wants to get off social media altogether (if even just on principle alone) while the other part thinks, the damage is already done, what does it matter? I think it does matter, but I’m not sure a handful of us boycotting social media will change anything. Too many people are addicted to their phones and social media, in fact, I’m seeing that even my kid has more “virtual” friends than friends IRL (in real life for those of you who do not speak text-hand). I just read a quote that said, “The cost of doing nothing is greater than the cost of doing something and failing.” It stopped me in my tracks not only in the context of voting or boycotting something but in investments, planning for retirement, teaching our children to speak and do for themselves, the list goes on.
Something will happen that will force our hands. Far too many of our daily processes and payments are online so I don’t see us going back to a time without this technology, even American currency is being considered cumbersome and obsolete by some businesses, but maybe? Then the question was posed, can we truly be manipulated or do the majority not care if their data is made public? One may not care if their data is public domain, but the fact remains, we can and are being manipulated, even many who are highly educated. The human psyche is far too complex to be funneled down into simple A or B categories. If you have not seen this film, check it out, the more we know the easier it may be to take action.