
Monday, June 22, 2020

What Color Is My Hair Really?

I’ve colored my own hair for years. I’ve also been to the salon and had it done for me on occasion, but it’s really expensive. Dave has teased me that I don’t even know what color my hair really is and I wouldn’t know if I was going gray like so many of my friends who’s gray is growing in like a skunk stripe. It made me wonder if he was right so I’ve been watching more closely and by more closely, I mean looking at my new growth in a 40X magnifying mirror! Yeah, no one really should look that closely, but I’m here to tell you, I am not “skunk stripe” gray by a long shot. I have a few gray hairs here and there but I’m really not going gray yet. I will say this though as it pertains to the 40X mirror, you look and see things you don’t want to see but with my menopause-memory as soon as I see myself in the normal mirror, I totally forget what I just saw magnified. LOL! During the SIP I took the quiz and signed up for eSalon hair color and I’m tickled with their products. Their system is easy and so affordable.


Here are a few more of the things we've done around the house while we've been sheltering in place. I love that Mason had the confidence to paint the handrail in the backyard. I love it!

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