
Monday, July 13, 2020

Best Thrift Store Find Ever!

I think I landed my best thrift store find of all time, and those of you who know me, know I’ve found some good ones. This one is a brand spanking new Brighton Barbados Hobo ziptop bag for $38. It had never been used!! This bag is not seasons old, it’s new. Clearly whoever had it didn’t like it and the thrift store didn’t know what it was either. I was so excited but I did tell the shop owner that it was a $315 brand new bag and she smiled and said, “Good for you honey, you just scored and I appreciate your honesty. Enjoy your new bag.” Loving me some good karma coming back my way. 


Crazy, busy productive days this week. The rest of the concrete countertops were put in place and now we need to seal them and reassemble the kitchen, which means finishing the cabinets, redoing the floor, new light fixtures, and... Concrete is not as fast as store-bought or custom granite countertops, but they are so unique and so cool that I think they’re worth the wait. And then these boys did a thing... Yes! Those are Father & Son Mullets. Yeah. Please, LET the sun go down on me!!!

We managed to get in some boating this week, too. It’s the respite that makes the long days of hard work seem not quite so hard. This trip was with Tanya and Jakary, always so much fun!

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