
Monday, July 26, 2004

Learn CPR Before You Need It!

Happy Hot Summer Day!

Sounds like today is going to be 103 in Sacramento. Now before we all go "OOH and AHH" we have to remember Dave is suffering in full uniform in 130+. While you are out and thinking this is crazy hot, think again and count your blessings.

Just one day after returning to Auburn, my niece Lexi got here for a 5 day stay. We had a blast and let me just say, the extra hands with Mason were a great help. For her simply fun and play, for me, a HUGE help! We did fun stuff like thrift store shopping. We found some great things. Lexi got several pairs of jeans decorated with beads and studs and I got two really great pairs of leather shoes. On Thursday, we went to Julies where Lexi got to go horseback riding and Mason had his first Wrangler photo shoot. Yes, Mason has Wranglers and boots. He is looking more and more like his daddy! After the horses, we went to the Farmers Market where Julie and Lexi had a ball shopping. We wrapped up our visit on Saturday by cleaning the back yard and inviting the neighbors over for a Moonlight Picnic. We made a fire in the fire place outside and toasted marshmallows to make s'mores. It was a really fun time with Amy, Laura, Kate, Paul, Leslie and Sam.

This week is work, work and more work. I am planning to go back to work part time and Mason is getting a live in Nanny. I have to move my office, get the room ready, and Mason is still floating Tuesday through Friday. He is fully floating now all by himself and we are working on rolls and drop ins. So off we go to start a great week.

Before I finish today, let me say that if you do not know CPR and other life saving skills, please find a class and get educated. I had to do the Heimlich three times on Mason yesterday when a slough of Cheerios clogged his airway. I didn't panic but it also didn't work the first time. We did the front, a strike to the back, front and back three more times with several finger swipes in the mouth to get the cereal out. He finally gave it all up (and I mean all!) and we rocked and cuddled for a bit before he settled down. He will likely be pretty sore today. I know how to do this and plan to get my CPR skills current as soon as possible. I know this is part of parenting but just like everything, do it now, take the class. Don't wait until you need it and aren't sure what to do. With that, have a great week and I am sure we will have more wonderful stories next week.

Love Kathy

Get it done

There is something you know you must do. Yet you're worried that it won't be perfect, that it will be difficult, uncomfortable and maybe even painful.

You wonder what others will think of you, whether they might silently disapprove, openly taunt you, or even work against you. You worry that it could be more challenging and more demanding than you anticipate. Go ahead and do it anyway. The sooner you get started, the more confident and effective you'll be.

Sure there will be problems. And with solid commitment, you will find a way through every one of them. Of course there will be challenges. And from each one you'll build the strength to take on the next one.

Accomplishment is never easy, and rarely perfect, yet it sure beats sitting around worrying about how powerless you are. When you know you must, then get up, get going, and get it done. Ralph Marston from The Daily Motivator with permission

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