
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Monday Motivator Guest

Hello all!

This is only the second time in Monday Motivator history that I have written the MM for Kathy. The first was the day of our son, Mason's birth. As you all should know she is spending a well deserved vacation with friends in Vietnam.

I say well deserved because she is the engine behind our family and she has been running hard for quite some time. I kind of consider myself the oil that keeps everything lubricated but without all of her efforts we would get nowhere. She is the Yin to my Yang and right now my Yang is hanging out.

It is when someone is gone you realize how much you depend on them. Kathy keeps reminding me of how much she does and that I don't realize it or give her credit for all she does. That is true, I don't (give her credit that is, I realize what she does). Now if I was single, I wouldn't be living out of my car or begging on the streets. I have managed okay for twenty years without her, but she definatley has improved my life from what it was. As we say in the Army she is a "force multiplier".

So Mason and I are batching it. He spent the last four days with me while I was in Millbrae working on a seminar for the National Guard. It was fun, but very stressful having to worry about him and accomplish my job. Thank goodness for my sister and mom who took care of him for the actual day of the seminar. We went to dinner, layed in bed and rented movies, he ran thrgough the hotel and generally had a good time. Everyone said he was well behaved. I guess I just have higher expectations for him. But not having Kathy to take care of him while I worked was keenly felt.

Take a moment to thank someone that you rely on to help make your life simplier or more enjoyable.

As Kathy always ends with some motivational quote I will leave you with this one because it reminds me of her.

"I don't fear failure. I only fear the slowing of the engine inside of me which is saying, "Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you."

General George S Patton

Kathy's engine is always going.


Big Mike said...

Dave what a great M.M.!

You have a future as a guest host, maybe start a writing once a month on your own. It is good writing with your chips on the table style.

Way to Go!


Teresa T said...

Wow, Dave!
I respect you so much for staying the course and managing on your own! You posted an awesome message and I especially like the closing quote from Patton!

Take care!
Teresa T