
Monday, March 16, 2009

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow!

But for today, it's still wet. Happy Monday and Happy St. Patrick's Day-ish!

Last week ended with a bang and I'll be sitting here waiting anxiously for our gloves to come tomorrow. Interestingly, do you know what this week is? Think for a minute, go back exactly one year, where was I and what was I doing? Oh come on, you do too remember! Okay, I'll help you out a little. I had just returned from Vietnam and was frantically unpacking and repacking to get back on a plane for Arizona...and what was I going to Arizona for? Yes! The Lucky Napkin Live event where I met Amilya. Tomorrow, just two days before the official one year anniversary of our meeting, I will have a finished, saleable product in six sizes in my hands! From cut-up glove with hand-sewn in zipper, to finished, retail ready kids snow gloves. I have to say, I'm pretty darn proud of myself. I'm also so very grateful to all of you who have helped me along the way (I really want to name you all, but for fear of leaving even one of you our, I'm going to know you know who you are), nobody accomplishes great things all by themselves, and I certainly could not have done this without all of you! Thank you!

So now it's back to work. I'm going to make the most of today and tomorrow by cleaning my house, paying the bills, and reaching as many of the people I plan to see in the coming weeks as I can. If I can't get them by phone, they'll have to answer to me personally. My goal is to sell at least 1000 pairs of gloves before April 1st, and I'm no April fool!

I hope you have a lucky week and make time to celebrate tomorrow. Don't forget to wear your green unless your single, and then being pinched could be a fun ice-breaker! Enjoy and I'll see you in a week.


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